<p>I applied to UConn in high school with a 3.1 GPA with low SAT scores (around 500 on all subjects) and got denied from the Storrs campus but accepted to the Hartford branch instead. I am currently enrolled as a freshman at CCSU and working on second semester. Last semester I got on Dean's List with a 3.6 GPA. I just sent my application and transcript request out to UConn today. Do you think they will accept me this time for Fall 2009? Also do I have to resend my high school transcript/SAT scores?</p>
<p>If it helps, I am transferring into the Computer Engineering Dept since my current major is Computer Engineering at CCSU.</p>
<p>You generally need a good high school record to be accepted as a sophomore transfer. I’d say you’re looking good for transferring as a junior though.</p>