Transfer from NDSU to U of Minnesota

<p>I am a freshman at NDSU right now, and I am interested in transferring to the University of Minnesota next year. I am a marketing major right now, but if I get accepted into the UofM, I would change over to Graphic Design. Anyways, I really want to get in to the U, for both personal and professional reasons. I am just wondering if anyone has some input on the odds of me getting in, my my high school GPA was 3.0, SAT: 1700, and at the end of this semester my GPA can be no lower than 3.0 (This is assuming I bomb finals, which is very unlikely, but let's assume that I do, just in case). Advice? strategies? odds of getting in?</p>

<p>woot, a fellow CCer from ND :slight_smile: I go to UND myself.</p>

<p>I would say give it a shot but I think its more likely you won’t get accepted (try away). Raise your grades a bit, join some extracurricular and try again sophmore year and you’ll make it for sure.</p>