<p>Hello everyone, and this is my first thread at CC.</p>
<p>Please chance me.</p>
<p>SAT: 2260 (CR/M/W = 720/800/740)
MathII 800
Physics 800
Chemistry 800
High School GPA: 3.98
College GPA: 4.00</p>
International Violin Competition Finalist
Dean's list since at college
Several scholar titles
Volunteer at the center for higher education of my current college
Third Prize, Chemistry Contest (citywise, dates back to high school)
+100 hr of community services</p>
<p>Recommendations: From three science professors who have gave me A+. So I assume it is
Ethnicity: Asian male</p>
<p>I know getting into any one of the three above needs luck, and is fairly unpredictable.</p>
<p>Would you please kindly give me any advice or tips?</p>
<p>ur stats are great! but might i ask you why do you go to cc? for no offence, I dont know if yale/dartmouth/mit would likely to favor cc student. but if you are in ccc, i would say you have a good chance to get into ucb or usc, ucla, etc.</p>
<p>He doesn’t go to a community college. He goes to a top 15.</p>
<p>To the OP, I think you have a very good chance for transfer. Just write a very compelling essay stating the reasons you are interested in transfer after one year even though you are attending a top school. I know many people who have successfully transferred into HYPS after freshman year from top 20 schools.</p>
<p>OMG…I randomly made mistakes seeing CC as cc though. sry for that lol.
Good chance for dartmouth and MIT. well, yale is hard to say though, so unpredictable.</p>
<p>cbreeze, are you serious? a lot ppl have successfully transferred into HYP as sophomore standing from top 20 schools. OMG…</p>
<p>Also, at least last year, about half of the transfer spots for S went to CC or non-traditional students while Y took all but one transfer from 4 year colleges. Most of the people posting here are coming from 4-yrs, so S is harder.</p>