Transfer from Wesleyan University. Is it worth it?

I agree. While it is hard for us to hear of a student seemingly dismissing a generous financial package from one of the best schools in the country, we should remember that the poster is a kid. He or she is about to leave a home country and travel far from friends, family, and all that s/he knows. Feelings of anxiousness and second-guessing are probably natural. I certainly could not have moved across an ocean to go to college when I was that age, and I am willing to allow someone who is the space to vent/fret and encouragement that the opportunity will be an amazing one.


Thanks for your answers but apparently most of u got my question in a wrong way. I am GRATEFUL to Wesleyan. I love people there before even seeing them. I just faced some people saying who are underestimating it to way that made me doubt. Thanks again!!



Thanks! I didn’t say i am smart or something. Your comment is pretty aggressive and really answers nothing but humiliating me. I fit at Wes and i feel so happy with people there in the meetings i attend. This was just a doubt and i wanted to share it.

First, you’re welcome. No, you didn’t say that you were too smart. Many of us inferred it, but yours is a fair point.

You did not, however, seem to know that much about the school that admitted you, and that was the bulk of my response. I wasn’t trying to humiliate you, but I can see how you took my, and perhaps some other, responses that way. I apologize for that, as it wasn’t really my intent.

OTOH, I think you will find a lot of people who would find your post, in the context of your situation, a bit off-putting and, as another poster put it, ungrateful. You’ve cleared that up so we can move on.

If you are to remain at Wesleyan, and assuming you are present and not wasting time and mental energy wanting to be someplace else, I am confident that in four year’s time you will not regret it. I wish you the very best of luck … at Wesleyan or wherever you may wind up.

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Thank you so much!
Yes, i will remain at the university that chose me. These were just concerns i am sharing to get some comments that make me more confident. I just said to share what most of the people in my school told me.


Also, i am not planning to transfer at all because i know i will be fulfilled being at community like Wes. This was just a question not an intention at all. I am really proud of being admitted to such a university, and i will try best to make them proud and give back to the community.

Thanks for who understood, and i hope this is a declaration to who misunderstood


I wish you luck but please re-read your first post. You said:

  1. I don’t feel Wesleyan is prestigious.

  2. I want to transfer to a school with more interest in STEM and a better rank.

So you did use these words but asked if it was wise - which was the question we all answered, some with surprise.

You now have your answer. Honestly, in my opinion, if a school isn’t prestigious but you are allowed to study for near free you have to be appreciative. It’s the education, not the prestige,that is important.

I’m glad you are heading to Wesleyan with a great attitude and wish you luck. But there is no confusion to the words you used and that is why you received the responses you did.

Good luck.

I am sorry if i wasn’t clear. I did use these words upon my friends opinion. These opinion literally gaslit me into thinking.

Yes, i love Wesleyan University so much and i am really excited going there.


My daughter who attended a small university had a similar response from friends. Many of her friends in high school asked her “why?” and questioned her choice. I told her that once she got near the university, the comments were going to change from “why?” to “great university”.

She actually attended a small university in Canada that her friends here in the US had never heard of. She and I flew up to the orientation. We got to immigration and the officer asked “why are you visiting Canada?”. We said “to attend university orientation”. He asked “what school?”. My daughter pointed to the t-shirt that she was wearing. His immediate response: “Great school!”. The guy who checked us into our B&B said the same thing.

And then she found it to be true. She found a great fit, strong professors with small classes, and great research opportunities. I think that you will find the same thing at Wesleyan.

I think that you are going to do great! Congratulations and best wishes.