<p>Hey there, I am looking to do a spring transfer from West Point to Wake Forest University. I am a freshman. Am I correct in the assumption that I will be using my high school grades/GPA for this? Also, when do you start with a spring transfer? Would I begin in Jan. (after 1st Semester?). Does anyone know how hard WFU is to transfer to? Does anyone know if coming from West Point will likely help me on my application?- do schools know about this place and what it takes to go here? Any other helpful hints and information would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help!</p>
<p>Everybody knows about West Point. That is the least of your worries.</p>
<p>If you want to be at Wake Forest second semester this year, you need to contact them immediately and find out what steps you should follow in order to apply.</p>
<p>If you are certain that West Point is not for you, why don’t you just withdraw now and apply elsewhere as a Freshman rather than a transfer?</p>
<p>Hmm. Well I haven’t heard of simply withdrawing and applying as a freshman. If I did that wouldn’t I have to wait until next year to say, apply to Wake forest? Because as far as I know all of the deadlines are way past for any colleges out there. A transfer seems like the logical choice, unless I’ve got the withdraw-and-reapply process all wrong?</p>
<p>My other questions still stand though. Will I be using any of my grades from West Point if I transfer in spring? Is applying for a spring transfer uncommon or insanely hard? Anything else that would be helpful to me is greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>If they accept transfer applications for spring (not all schools do) I’m sure they would also accept applications for freshman. Though I wouldnt recommend that, I think you will have a much better time at West Point than sitting around. If you dont mind me asking why dont you want to stay at West Point?</p>
<p>They do accept transfer applications for the spring (says their admissions page), but I’d agree with ashleysara, what good would applying as a freshman do? Wouldn’t I lose a year. Oh and I can guarantee I won’t have a better time at West Point haha, but I’ll stay here if it helps my chances elsewhere. To answer your question ashleysara, as honestly as I can put it: its complicated. Anyone know how competitive spring transfer usually is? Also, how much can West Point help me if my grades are not taken into consideration…(or are they?). Does the name carry any weight?</p>