Transfer GPA Cut-off

<p>I was just wondering if anyone knew about this... I have been hearing lately that they have a 3.0 cutoff for transfer admissions. I have a 2.9 and I am pretty nervous about this. Is it true if you have below a 3.0 cumulative you are automatically not considered for admission, or is the 3.0 thing more of a general rule?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that, but 3.0 is the minimum GPA that they look for in a transfer. Your chances are in the air they may or may not. Depends on the competition this year.</p>

<p>Interpret away… many “conditions” that may/may not be met. I suppose if it were as simple as a formula, it would be first in/first out with decisions.</p>

<p>Academic Course Preparation
Prior to applying for transfer admission, students must have completed (or be completing) at least 24 semester hours of transferable course work. This essentially equates to one year of college-level study. We do not accept transfer students at the freshman level. </p>

<p>When reviewing applications, we pay particular attention to the college-level course work you have completed, and specifically: </p>

<p>Cumulative grade point average (GPA). Competitive not only for admission to the university, but for your intended major as well. Most transfer students have a GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Please note: GPA calculations will include all grades received for repeated courses; the initial grade, as well as grades received in second and subsequent attempts will be included in the GPA calculation.
Rigor of course work. Appropriate for continued study at UW-Madison and increasing in difficulty.
Course breadth. Showing a combination of English, math, science, literature, social science, and foreign language.
Grade trends and patterns. Steady or improving trends and patterns that show consistency across all academic areas.
Required courses. Applicants must have completed one year each of high school algebra, plane geometry, and college-preparatory math, and two high school years or two college semesters of a single foreign language.</p>

<p>Your chances are slim. A 2.9 GPA at a presumably lower quality institution does not predict success when diving into the rigor of UW-Madison coursework. *Honesty</p>

<p>@CodyE27 even if get a 3.0 or higher this semester? :/</p>

<p>There is no official cut-off – 3.0 is more like a “soft” minimum. Considering that the average GPA for admitted transfer students is 3.4, anything below a 3.0 is going to really decrease your chances.</p>

<p>I would wait to apply until you can raise your GPA. One strong semester (all As or close to it) might even be enough, or if you need more time to dramatically raise your GPA you could always spent two semesters focusing on it. Transferring later in your college career can be frustrating, but it can work out. I went to UW-Oshkosh for 2 1/2 years before transferring to UW, and I walked into campus with 87 credits (including AP).</p>

<p>I already applied to transfer for this fall and was postponed. So even if I do ok this semester, I really don’t have a chance? :frowning: I’m fairly certain I will have mostly A’s with one C this semester.</p>

<p>What if you have a 2.9, but from a higher ranked college?</p>

<p>btw- you can’t wait too many semesters to transfer. You need at least 60 credits from UW I believe. This means when you get a UW degree you will have done the majority of work in your major at UW, not somewhere else with the UW name on your diploma.</p>

<p>I suspect someone from an elite college might get in- depends on the individual circumstances. Study habits are the most likely cause of poor grades- for not doing well- at any college you are accepted to. If you couldn’t settle down and do the work at your present college, how are you going to cope with adjusting to an entirely new campus plus more advanced course work? Look at the requirements for admission to a major- generally B or better gpa’s are needed. You can’t say any grade at any college is worth more or less than at UW, you can’t say a given gpa at an elite college would have been that gpa plus at UW.</p>

<p>If you are transferring into the school of business are the posted stats only current UW internal transfers or are they blended with students coming from other business schools??</p>


<p>That’s incorrect, you only need 30 credits in residence. The only caveat is that you need those 30 credits after you have 90 total credits.</p>

<p>There are, however, varying requirements from individual majors/certs in terms of residence. For example, the business certificate requires you to take 12 of the 18 needed credits at UW (<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;).</p>