UMN to UW - Madison

I’m currently a freshman, midway through the first semester. The average transfer GPA for Madison is 3.5. I currently have a 3.1 at University of Minnesota, which is very similar academically to Madison. I think I’ll realistically have a 3.3 by the end of the semester. Continuing like this, could these types of grades get me into Madison? I would apply to transfer at the end of this academic year.

I’m involved, but not exceptionally more than average- Does that matter as much as it did when applying to be a college freshman? Would I need above a 3.5 if my school is ranked similarly to Madison?

I sure hope the EC’s that are done in HS are not expected to continue in college because you now have so much more academically to fill your time than in HS.

Look at the minimum gpa for transferring. Better grades next semester would be an upward trend. UW applicants are facing more competition for places than in the past, hence the higher average transfer gpa. Be sure of your reasons for transferring- why do it? Hopefully you are getting more A’s than B’s in your intended major- you want a strong knowledge base for the advanced classes in it.