transfer GPA

I want to apply at GW but I’m worried about my chances with my current GPA I have a 3.22 at UNC. I know that this isn’t a great GPA but UNC is known for their grade deflation and I’m wondering if this would be taken in to account. I also took a somewhat rigorous course load last semester. I’m hoping to get my GPA up to a 3.4-3.5 by the end of the semester. Unfortunately, I’m only taking three classes this semester as a part of a medical underload so I’m worried that will reflect poorly on me. I’m involved in two clubs here at UNC so my EC’s aren’t incredible. I think I could get two good recommendations though. I would be applying to the college of arts and sciences. I’m wondering if I have a shot at GW.

@maggiedancer99 Hey. I go to george mason and have a 3.1 gpa after my 1st semester. Wanted to apply to GWU but im worried about my gpa. Had a C in biology and it messed up my gpa. Should I even apply?? i had a 3.7 gpa in high school but got rejected… i am trying real hard to bring it up and get all As this semester. If you hav a lot of ECs and a killer essay then you should get in.

@maggiedancer99 I wouldn’t let a 3.22 from UNC deter you from applying. I think that’s totally acceptable and not a hindrance. Just do your best on the rest of your application and make it easily known why you want to attend GW.

@hamstargaming you should still apply. Yes, your GPA is on the lower end, but your persistence will be recognized. Even if you don’t make the cut this time, work harder and try again in a year.