Hey guys, I’m currently a student at Miami dade college. I’ve finished my entire AA except my Math and sciences. My current GPA is a 3.1. I have 5 withdraws because I am an independent student and I was taking accelerated courses and I needed to withdraw at some points to manage work to support myself. My dream school is UF but Im a psychology major and I know how competitive they are. I don’t think I have a chance unless I apply as a philosophy major and transfer in Spring then switch. My other prospective schools are FSU and UCF. I don’t know if anyways gotten into Fsu with a 3.1 but I was planning on just finishing my AA in the fall at TCC to guarantee my admission. Or should I stay in dade? (TCC2FSU) anyone have any suggestions or helpful feedback?
It sounds like you have been working hard on your degree. UF doesn’t actually let transfer students "just switch " majors - it does happen on very rare occasions but one of the requirements is that you were eligible for the first major when you applied.
Lol Yeah you have no idea…through illness and homelessness I have worked for my AA. I wouldn’t mind staying as a philosophy major. Do you think I could it with my credentials?
See the following link, it list each CLAS major and the recommended GPA:
Philosophy seems a bit less competitive than the other majors.
On the other hand, psychology seems very competitive:
Interesting, Psychology is one of the majors offered through UF Online, and it’s much less competitive (and cheaper, as they only charge 75% of the normal tuition rate), if you don’t mind taking it online. It is the same degree (nothing on it says “online”).
Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know I got into UF for the Fall of 2016 as a Philosophy Major! I also got into UCF… Waiting to hear back from FSU. But I think I’ll be attending UF. I am keeping the Philosophy major and using it as a prelaw major. Thought you guys would enjoy the positive replt.