Transfer Hopeful, am I on the right track? (CHANCE)

<p>Hello, I currently attend the University of Houston and it has been my goal for a while now to transfer from this university to the University of Miami for my last two years of college (junior & senior years). </p>

<p>Right now my stats are as follows:
Freshman (2nd semester)
Major: Currently Pre-Business, planning on going into finance
Total Credit Hours Completed: 13 (I'm taking another 15 right now and possibly 3-6 more in the summer)
Current GPA: 4.0
Clubs/Organizations: None my first semester but I plan on joining the NSCS (National Society for Collegiate Scholars) and the HBSA (Hispanic Business Student Association) within the next couple of weeks. I will be doing as much volunteer work with both clubs as I possibly can.</p>

<p>So, what do you guys think, am I on the right track?</p>

<p>Also I should mention that my ability to attend UM really depends on the type of aid I get. I know Miami gives transfer scholarships for those with a GPA above 3.75, but they are hard to come by. You think if I maintain my current GPA along with membership in two clubs and volunteer work I could land one of the said scholarships? If not, what could be done to make stats more competitive?</p>

<p>And with an EFC of 0 does anybody with experience know what kind of fin. aid I can expect to get from UM?</p>