Transfer- Low GPA due to injury?

<p>I just applied to UW-Madison. I'll try to condense this and make the story short... I was in a very serious car crash last summer, resulting in neurological injuries (concentration, memory loss, processing issues, horrible chronic migraines) </p>

<p>Despite the challenges, I was committed to starting college on time this fall. So I did, I worked closely with the disability center on campus, took some tough classes that would normally (not considering my injury) be a challenge for me, and got a 2.8. I am actually really proud of what I was able to do. I continue to improve, and feel I will continue to improve as time goes on.</p>

<p>Will UW take this into consideration when looking at my fall semester GPA? When I was in high school, I took college classes at the local college and got a 3.7 GPA. I also have a mediocre/average ACT of 28. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any insight for me? I did address this in my 2nd statement in the application. I know it's a BIG school and they don't spend a lot of time reviewing the applications, let alone read in-depth into the statements. Do you have any thoughts?</p>

<p>This is a very special case so no one could say for sure. Your GPA aside from this semester and ACT are in a good range, if you really explained your situation and nailed that last essay I don’t see why you wouln’t have a good shot, but like I said this seems like a special case so who knows!</p>