Transfer help - need tips and advice

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I am an ongoing Junior at UW-Eau Claire. I have tried to transfer to UW-Madison for Fall 2013, but was rejected. </p>

<p>My high school GPA was a 3.1, with an ACT of 28 (screwed up on some AP classes... didn't take school seriously, you've heard all this).</p>

<p>However, I did have clinical depression and insomnia and this impacted my freshman college year heavily. I averaged a 2.2 GPA my freshman year, and focused more on getting help than my grades because I couldn't focus on my grades. </p>

<p>I averaged a 3.57 for my fall semester of sophomore year, and my overall is now a 2.76. I was not too surprised when I was rejected, even after explaining my situation. </p>

<p>My problem is this: I wish to try once again. I want to transfer to UW-Madison Spring 2014, because I really really really do want to attend UW-Madison. I had two good recs, decent essays, and even wrote a letter of intent, but I still failed.</p>

<p>I am taking 16 credits right now, and will most likely get a 3.6+ this semester, and I am also taking 11 credits of summer class. I plan to apply again after finishing summer class.</p>

<p>I worked as an Americorp member summer 2012 and fall 2012, and also averaged 20 hours of additional work outside of americorp Fall 2012.</p>

<p>How else can I appeal? What are my chances of getting in? What can I do to make sure that I have done absolutely everything I possibly can, short of inventing a time machine so I can erase my horrible freshman year that I completely screwed up?</p>

<p>Please help, I don't know what else I can do on my own. Any tips and advice would be helpful.</p>

<p>You are best off finishing your degree at your current school. You would need 60 credits at UW-Madison, likely 4 semesters of work. You will have too many credits to make it worth your while to try to transfer. You need to enjoy your current life and never regret getting an education at UW-EC. It is time to move on and concentrate on your major instead of thinking about life elsewhere. It is not the end of the world to graduate from a UW system school other than Madison. The reality of transferring would not meet your current fantasies about life in Madison. Think of your beyond college future and where you would like to live and work. Do well with the rest of your classes and be prepared for the job you want.</p>

<p>Not knowing your motivation for wanting to transfer to Madison, you may consider applying to UMN-TC. Reciprocity tuition and relatively easy to get in as a transfer (they accept lots people as transfers who couldn’t get in as freshmen - I think Madison is somewhat more selective with transfer applicants).</p>

<p>Also, U of MN only requires 30 credits in residence for transfers to graduate (incl. a minimum of 24 in the major).</p>

<p>if the only reason you want to transfer is for the prestige, go with what wis75 said. There isn’t that much of a connection between the name of the school you go to and future success… plus the only thing we really control is our attitude and how much we put into our experiences.</p>