Transfer status?


<p>At what point do you become a transfer/lose the freshman status considering the next admission? Is it 1) when you deposit & make the enrollment decision in May 1st or 2) when you begin your studies in the fall and start paying tuitions etc. or 3) after completing a certain amount of courses? Or does this vary between schools?</p>

<p>Just wondering since I have some serious evaluation going on in whether to reply now or wait another year and reapply..</p>

<p>This varies between schools. Some colleges will consider you a transfer once you take a first course after HS, for others you may need a year’s worth of credits to get to transfer status. You’ll need to check for each school.</p>

<li>Not sure if enrollment or completion counts, you would need to ask each school.</li>
<li>Yes, although the number of courses varies between schools.</li>