<p>Going into my college this fall with the intention of transferring to GWU as a soph.
Here are my HIGH SCHOOL stats:</p>
<p>Editor in Chief of Literary Magazine, 4 years
Editor in Chief of Newspaper, 4 years
President of 2 Clubs, 4 years
Student Council, 4 years
Elected into our school's international society by teachers, which just started when I was a sophomore
Lots of volunteer work
piano: 14 years</p>
<p>*PROBLEM: 3.2 gpa, 1440 SAT/took easy classes until senior year (3 AP's, 2 hnrs, 5 AP tests & got a 1 on all of them)</p>
<p>maryland asian american with A LOT of leadership roles, which is rare. my private high school school is in oakton, virginia, however.
intended major: geography or economics</p>
<p>my mom and cousin worked at gwu hospital a long time ago.</p>
<p>i did ED I for GWU, rejected. appealed, rejected.
i know the admissions people personally.</p>
<p>You’re going to need to shine (3.8-4.0, preferably 4.0) in college to be competitive, in legitimately difficult classes (age-appropriately difficult). </p>
<p>3.2 high school can’t even make NHS. 1’s on APs isn’t a good sign: did you not study? Were the classes not informative? </p>
<p>Lessen the leadership, improve the GPA. You’re competing with people who fly by with 4.0s, top percentile test scores, and tons of leadership roles and ECs themselves. What’s rare? Everyone in top tier schools has either ridiculously strong ECs (with strong GPAs and test scores), or exceptional test scores and GPA with fewer ECs. Honestly, with an average GPA in fairly easy high school classes, the odds for you getting in just weren’t there. If GPA and test scores predict one’s success at a college,… well, you see where I’m going with this. GW likes leadership, but only if it’s combined with good GPAs and test scores. (With that said, while you might be a “good,” respective student, you’re competing with top students nationally, who have exceptional academics, ECs, and so forth… not “average” students.) Take some standardized tests again, and do well. Get a 4.0 in college, in non-slacker classes. The family working at the hospital, or knowing the admissions office, is irrelevant. Being from MD unfortunately wouldn’t be a hook, either. You really can’t expect admissions without being at least a little academically competitive- so get the 4.0 in solid college classes, take summer and intermission classes, and focus on academics. If you get rejected again in a year, apply your sophomore year. Good luck.</p>