Transfer Student: Placement Tests???

I recently got admitted as a transfer student and got an e-mail saying I had to take the Math and English placement tests… However, my credit evaluation isn’t even completed on myuw! Plus, I was already able to sign up for SOAR before I even got this e-mail notifying me that I had to take these two placement tests. My theory is because my credit eval hasn’t been completed yet, it thinks I am a freshman, or a student with no prior coursework? Anyone know anything about this? I am going to call tomorrow, but your input would help me right now!

I found this on the UW Placement Testing FAQ: “The SOAR registration system will require you to enter your placement testing information”

However, my SOAR registration did NOT require me to enter any placement testing information!
I have already taken a year of English (2 semesters worth), and I have also taken College Algebra, Pre-Calc, and Business Calc in college!!!

You can sign up for SOAR before taking the placement tests. You just have to complete the tests before you go.

But my friend was unable to sign up for SOAR bc she had to put in her test info @CaptainMcNeil. Is there any case in which I would NOT have to take placement tests?

I think I read sme place that even if you have advance credit in Maths or English that you still have to take the placement exams because you may have taken your previous courses some time ago and therefore not actually remember very much of what you studied right now. So the exams are to get a feel for your aptitude in those subjects right now and not when you took the exams.

True. (We call it ‘math’, not ‘Maths’).

Except I’m not American, so I call it ‘Maths’ :wink:

Yes, that was obvious.