Transfer Student Question

<p>Hi guys</p>

<p>I've browsed this forum before but have not posted prior to this. For the past year I've been at another university, but have increasingly become interested in Duke as a university for my undergrad major.</p>

<p>I've been on a biomedical engineering major track along with taking the regular premed courses. I didn't apply to Duke as a freshman because honestly my high school grades and experiences would not warrant anywhere near an acceptance. However, throughout my first year in college I have really picked it up and gotten involved in clubs.</p>

<p>I currently have a 3.72 sGPA, 3.72cGPA. </p>

<p>calculus 1 - A
calculus 2 - A
gen psychology - A
chemistry 1 - B+
chemistry 2 - B+
Intro to engineering analysis - B+
Eng. Communications - A
Intro to Cell Bio - A</p>

<p>I have over 200 hours of volunteering on my university's ambulance (I took an EMT cert class spring semester) and i was involved in a few clubs such as the BME society, ballroom team, et al. I'm hopefully going to be a TA for either the cell bio lecture or lab.</p>

<p>Is it worth it to apply for a transfer to Duke?</p>

<p>I appreciate any information, comments, no matter how honest they may be</p>

<p>I was an admitted transfer student this year at Duke, so I think I can help you a bit on this question.</p>

<p>First of all, I recommend that you apply. You have nothing to lose by applying.</p>

<p>Your college stats and extracurriculars look competitive. However, Duke will also look at your high school stats and extracurriculars as well. Nevertheless, even if your high school stats are weak, an upward trend definitely helps in the process.</p>

<p>Not to scare you or anything, but Duke accepted 50 students for transfer out of around 700 that applied. Best piece of advice I can give you is to address what Duke can provide that your current university cannot provide in your Common App essay. In other words, make it very clear that only Duke will offer what you want out of a education and explain why. Also, develop a strong relationship with 2-3 of your professors, so they can write strong letters of recommendation on your behalf.</p>

<p>Good luck! Feel free to PM with questions.</p>

<p>Could you delete a message in your inbox? It says that your box is full right now</p>