<p>Hi guys</p>
<p>I've browsed this forum before but have not posted prior to this. For the past year I've been at another university, but have increasingly become interested in Duke as a university for my undergrad major.</p>
<p>I've been on a biomedical engineering major track along with taking the regular premed courses. I didn't apply to Duke as a freshman because honestly my high school grades and experiences would not warrant anywhere near an acceptance. However, throughout my first year in college I have really picked it up and gotten involved in clubs.</p>
<p>I currently have a 3.72 sGPA, 3.72cGPA. </p>
<p>calculus 1 - A
calculus 2 - A
gen psychology - A
chemistry 1 - B+
chemistry 2 - B+
Intro to engineering analysis - B+
Eng. Communications - A
Intro to Cell Bio - A</p>
<p>I have over 200 hours of volunteering on my university's ambulance (I took an EMT cert class spring semester) and i was involved in a few clubs such as the BME society, ballroom team, et al. I'm hopefully going to be a TA for either the cell bio lecture or lab.</p>
<p>Is it worth it to apply for a transfer to Duke?</p>
<p>I appreciate any information, comments, no matter how honest they may be</p>