Accepted/Rejected Thread Fall 2017 transfer students

Hey guys! I thought I would start an accepted/rejected thread since we are getting so close to the release of the decisions!
I’ll start with my stats:

GPA: 3.77
Credits: 60
Great letter of rec and a ton of extracurriculars. Good luck to everyone!

When are transfer decisions supposed to come out?

GPA: 3.4
Major: Psychology
Credits: 54

i’m waiting for decisions ugh

Major: econmoics
GPA: 3.3
Credits: 30

Do you guys have anything on your to do list?

@Canes20 nope, do you?

they emailed me about my AP scores and invited me to the transfer open house

@GoNoles271106 I do not either. Just waiting for that message on canelink

I wonder how well a seminole will convert to life as a CANE? IT’S ALL ABOUT THE []_[]!!! Haha

@PCJazz hahaa! better opportunities for medical school at the U, if i get in i’ll be working in a liver research lab!

Admission says transfers should hear back around April uugh!

I just phoned about transfers and she said it’s rolling admissions. I questioned WHY DOES IT STATE April 1 is the Priority Deadline then? She said to submit as soon as possible. Rolling admissions means that they send the decision as soon as they know, which would mean that the January applicants should have already heard. Someone a couple of months ago said that we have until April 1 to submit. This isn’t the first time I’ve had misinformation—hope it’s not indicative of their system.

I was wondering the same thing. They told me it is when your application is deemed complete. My application was deemed complete late February. We should be hearing back by now

i’m confused and annoyed … i wanna hear!!

@wmt2910 when did you apply?

first week of Feb.

It’s annoying having to wait. I know they sent out decisions for the freshman class

i got an invite to the transfer open house and an admissions officer emailed me about my AP scores… idk what that means

Yeah I got that email too! Didn’t know what to think of it

I got the same email about a week ago, I hope they post decisions soon. I applied in January!