<p>Sigh. I am a frustrated upset transfer student. I haven’t heard any word back yet. So far looking at these form it seems first time freshman are hearing first? are they getting first priority? Any other transfers out there get any word yet?</p>
<p>yes , i am a transfer student who got in chem engr .they sure took their sweet time though</p>
<p>Got my admit on thursday afternoon. Yep, FTF seem to have gone first.</p>
<p>what is your major c5load? Im really confused why its taking so long cause as far as i know I have one of the least impacted majors.</p>
<p>Computer info sciences. But I also think cpp gives priority admission processing to veterans, so your mileage may vary.</p>
<p>Makes sense.I hope they get around to the the rest of us transfers soon =/</p>