Transfer TAG requirements

<p>If you didnt meet the TAG GPA requirements but the classes requirements are meet can you still submit the TAG application just to give it a shot? .. or its better to just submit the regular application without the TAG.</p>

<p>if you do use the TAG even thought you are not eligible, they will find out. It’s better to apply as a regular student. You will still be given priority as a CCC student</p>

<p>topp0011 - thats what im doing. im about one class away from meeting the 45 quarter unit eligibility requirement. a counselor actually suggested that i still apply for tag. the way it works is that if you apply for the tag and get denied, they still want you to apply anyways through the regular november application process. then, you’ll still have your application read and still have a chance to get in and the denied tag wont have any influence over your admission chances.</p>

<p>^But if you all ready know you won’t qualify for TAG, why submit the app? It just seems a waste of everyone’s time.</p>

<p>i was encouraged to still apply for tag if you had read the post you would know that…obviously somebody thinks its not a waste of time. also, i just got prequalified by a counselor for davis recently soo…im just guna go out of my way here and tell you to suck it:]</p>