Hey all,
I spent my first semester of college at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I took Calculus (Grade: C+), Psychology (Grade: C+, however, this grade was transferred as a B+ because of a “College Now” course I took my Sophomore year of HS), Environment/Politics (Grade: B+), and Naval Science (Grade: B). I transferred to CUNY College of Staten Island just now because they offered to extend my acceptance for the Fall 2017 semester into the Spring 2018 semester. There were multiple reasons for my transfer (didn’t like the general student life, decided i didn’t want to do ROTC anymore so school was too expensive, etc.). Currently my GPA from the Fall 2017 semester is 2.73 (CCNY requires a 2.7) but my Math/Science GPA is 2.3 (CCNY requires a minimum of 2.5 with none of the classes being below C) because of Calculus being my only Math/Science class. I am now taking Calculus 2 and Physics 1 at CSI with the goal of getting at least a B+ in both classes. I also plan to take Biology over the Summer at CSI to further boost my GPA. I was wondering if CCNY would also consider my GPA from the Spring 2018 (or Summer 2018), without that consideration, I do not meet the minimum requirements for transfer. Would CCNY consider my high school transcript and would that evaluation potentially override my rough first semester at RPI? I attended Staten Island Tech which is ranked #35 nationally, I have a 2100 SAT (1440 R/M, avg at CCNY being around 1600), 770 Math 2 SAT, I finished with a 97 GPA (90+ on AP Physics 1 and Calculus my senior year), and had good extra curricular activities. Thank you.