<p>I'm currently thinking of tfering to Northwestern. I graduated HS with a 3.3 u, 3.4 w only after an awful senior year, took a semester after HS to work for Barack Obama, did a semester at a CC with a 3.69 only bc I had 3 A's and a B in calculus, and am currently at Quinnipiac right now. I got a 3.666 for Fall 2008, making Dean's List I am currently taking a semester off to intern for NJ governor Jon Corzine's tough re-election campaign, and will return for summer and will continue thereafter in the fall. My SAT is 2010 (620 M 710 V 680 W), and my APs got me 15 credits at QU, even tho I only got one 4 and no 5's. Assuming I get similar grades for summer and fall, what are my chances for Spring 2010, or perhaps Fall 2010? I am currently undeclared, but if I go to NU, I want to major in either political science or economics, or even languages. I didn't have too many extracurrics at QU in Fall, I did have college Democrats, and would have done more except the clubs nearly all met at the same time. When I return, I plan to do many extracurriculars, tho Democrats will be my main thing. I had many extracurrics in HS, member of the Tri-M music honour society, Latin Honour Society, 3 sports a year, Jazz Band 3 years. What are my chances? Also, I need no financial aid, which in today's economy, is a plus.</p>
<p>your scores seem to be a bit below the scores that most accepted applicants haveā¦its a reach, but you should have a shot</p>
<p>Your gpa is a bit low. I am also trying to transfer to NWU from a cc (and im in NJ too!) but my gpa is around a 3.85. Your ecs tie in well with your intended major which is a plus. If you can manage to bring your gpa up a bit and write a compelling essay, you should have a shot.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, and I challenge you to an economics debate.</p>