<p>I am enrolling at Florida tech or ERAU this spring for bachelors in aerospace engg. This is mainly bcoz i cdn apply durin the dec-jan period due to some personal problems so i ended up applying to rolling admissions since i did not want to waste time and risk applying to big schools after a year gap and not be accepted, so i chose a few and after getting accepted at places i have zeroed on Florida institute of tech and erau. However i still want to have that big school experience where i get to learn the real science and not worry about a job.
What i want to know is if i attend one of the two schools will it hamper my chances to transfer after my freshman year to Stanford,UCLA or GaTech?
I really want to attend one of these schools for the programs they offer in engg. I am an international applicant with a 90% + record all along the academic career at school but as i mentioned due to some problems i screwed my graduation exam too n cd only score an 80% on the last exam in school.
Also please consider teh scholarships that these schools may offer me</p>