Transfer to U of M (chance me)

Hi, I just finished up the first semester of my freshman year at UW-Madison. Although I love it here, my father tragically passed away half way through the semester and due to the abundance of memories we shared here, I would feel too uncomfortable spending my next 3 years in Madison. I would like to attend the University of Michigan in the Fall of 2020 (which I was rejected from in HS) and will be applying over winter break but was not sure how these sort of things differed for transfer students. My resume goes as follows:

Poli Sci Major
•Credits at UW: 14 completed but will add 16 more by end of year

•GPA at UW: 4.0

•11 dual enrollment credits from high school as well as numerous qualifying AP scores

•HS GPA: 3.65 unweighted, 4.5 weighted, 29 ACT

-Currently work in recruiting for the Badgers football team
-Interned at my local State Attorney’s Office over the summer for the past two years in a row
-Interned at a private law firm as a sophomore
-Co-founded a charity basketball game to raise funds for local foster children
-Sports editor for my HS newspaper

Thank you.

You need to use the Michigan site for answers. btw- you may want to rethink your decision to leave UW. Your life is separate from your parents’ lives. No matter where you attend college you will need to separate yourself from your childhood. You keep creating new memories with your classes and the campus is different from when your father attended UW. As an alumnus who grew up in a Madison suburb I desparately wanted to leave town. I found the campus to be a world apart. Plus- many different buildings than in my mother’s day and many changes when son was there.

Right now the grief is overwhelming. You need to redefine things as a person detached from your father.

I think you have a good chance getting into U of M . Your GPA is definitely your strength. One thing that I would recommend is maybe building your college extracurricular activities more. U of M tends to put a pretty big emphasis on extracurricular activities and club involvement, so that will be a plus.

Are you a Michigan resident? If not, it’s really a toss up and what info they require from you to apply. If you really want to transfer, I’d apply to a number of options.