Transfer to UMass, low GPA

<p>I applied as a transfer student from a private university to UMass-Amherst, and was rejected for Spring 09. I know that this is because my GPA very low (below 3.0), however the trend in my transcript was clearly upwards and my last semester at the private college GPA had been a 3.5.</p>

<p>So for Fall 08 I took 3 courses at UMass while on leave from the private university and my UMass GPA is now a 3.67. Since these grades were not available when I sent in my application for Spring, I decided to write an appeal asking them to consider my new grades and also a recommendation from a UMass professor. I know appeals often do not work, but I am demonstrating that at UMass I fair much better grade-wise than previously at the private college. Does anyone have any thoughts on the chances of my appeal working?</p>

<p><em>note, this isn't because UMass is any easier, it is mostly because of the change in environment and living situation</em></p>

<p>Are you in-state?</p>

<p>Yes, in state. I had previously been accepted for my freshman year, and to their honors program, but I don’t think that has much of an effect on an appeals decision. I won’t be living on campus, and taking a winter class my gpa is going to be around a 3.75. I’ll still awaiting a response from my appeal, but wondering what others may think the chances are.</p>

<p>If your going in for the business school, I would say you have at least a 70% chance of admission. Any other program, you’re in. </p>

<p>You can increase your chances by getting on the phone with an admissions advisor; it helps A LOT, especially for transfer students. Emphasize your willingness to learn and talk about the upward trend in your transcript being a sign of responsibility, maturity and you taking your education more seriously.</p>