Transfer to University of Miami CHANCES?

<p>Hi, Im interested in transferring to UM once I graduate from Miami Dade College in one month. Anyone who has been accepted or is enrolled, please let me know my chances and your own experiences. This is the first school I am applying to.</p>

<p>Miami Dade College Sophomore (56 CREDITS AS OF TODAY)
Major: International Relations
3.46 GPA
Part Time Employee (30 Hours/Week)
Community Service (5 Hours/Week for past 3 Months)
Three Letter of Recommendations - 2 Professors, 1 Employer (I dont know if there is a limit on reference letters)
Fairly Active in Church
Apart of two clubs

<p>I'm kind of nervous on the whole application process. Please let me know what you think, and let me know what you got into UM with!</p>

<p>THANKS :)</p>

<p>ALSO, any of you who received merit-based scholarships, please let me know what your stats were! Thanks again.</p>


<p>Your around the mean transfer GPA 3.48 What do you want to major in at UM?</p>

<p>[Requirements</a> for Transfer students | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,29535-1;29457-2;58152-3,00.html]Requirements”>,1770,29535-1;29457-2;58152-3,00.html)</p>

<p>Any transfer students out there with good insights?</p>

<p>Well just to let anyone know… I ended up getting accepted!! Does anyone know when the finacial aid package comes in?</p>


<p>Congrats on becoming a Hurricane! I would contact OFAS about your aid package.
[Contact</a> Us | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,8092-1;50072-3,00.html]Contact”>,1770,8092-1;50072-3,00.html)</p>