<p>hey guys this is my second post so idk how things really work so don't hate if its a bad post lol</p>
<p>anyways i ended up having to decide between gwu and university of rochester (i know not extremely great school) and i choose gwu. i kind of regret it bc idk if i can transfer to a good school. can u guys tell me what i would need at gwu in order to transfer from gwu to a better school like washu, penn, georgetown, and (even though it prob isn't a chance) harvard
(i got rejected from all those except washu i got waitlisted)</p>
<p>my sats are kinda bad-680 math 620 reading 560 writing
sat2-580 bio 550 chem 560 math 2
96.7 gpa for all 4 yrs so a 3.88</p>
<p>i had a lot of extra circulars in hs but im not gonna post them bc idk if they matter anymore, if you guys want them ill just post them again</p>
<p>i just need to know if it is possible to transfer and if it is what i need to do and i will do it
sorry this is super long lol</p>
<p>Do you have a particular reason as to why these schools should accept you? Your scores don’t seem to align well with these schools. I would think that you would need a very impressive college gpa before even considering applying to these schools. Also how do you know that you won’t enjoy GWU? Why bother considering transferring already?</p>
<p>You had two very good options. Please put every ounce of effort into having a great college experience at GWU since that’s where you’re heading.
Make the most of it! </p>
<p>If you really think you plan to transfer, then get a high GPA, get involved, know your professors (need good recs to transfer). There is lots of good advice on the stickies in this forum, so read through those at the top of the threads. Here’s a thread to read that pertains to this same question:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1231535-transferring-ivy-league-school.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1231535-transferring-ivy-league-school.html</a></p>
<p>No matter what you do from here on out, decide to be proud of your accomplishments!</p>
<p>OP: Between GWU and UR, I would select UR since it is a smaller university. You will get more attention… UR has a lot of top programs (optics, music, etc.)</p>
<p>oh man, i already choose gwu…
and yea i would like to transfer because they provide a better pre-med education and i would do better and prob get into a better med school by going to a college like that
i know my scores don’t align but thats all i could raise it on my own i come from a small city where there isn’t anywhere that i can take courses or anything to improve my scores and my school is so bad that we are on academic probation …it used to be good back in the day but not anymore</p>
<p>i would like georgetown bc i really like dc</p>