
<p>I just finished my first semester at Towson University. I have a 3.55 GPA, over 200 community sevice hours, and involved in sports, clubs, ect. Since i have less than 30 credits at the time of application the admissions decision would be based on both college and high school stats. I finished HS with a 3.4 gpa, due to jerking around my freshman and sophmore years, although they werent terrible grades. My junior and senior years were around a 4.0 gpa. I had a 1790 on the SAT's. With all that what are my chances being admitted next fall, or should i wait another semester to get the 30 credits and have that as the only thing they base their decision on?</p>

<p>The SAT is a little low, but I do not know about the rest.</p>

<p>And is the GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>unweighted, my school didnt do weighted</p>

<p>How were your extracurriculars in high school and how would you rank the caliber of your courseload in high school, filled with all Honors and APs, IBs, and other advanced classes? </p>

<p>What is your SAT with only Math and Critical Reading?</p>

<p>What he asked.</p>

<p>Coursework included alot of honors, but no AP classes, as far as extracurriculars, played football 4 years, track 2 years, FBLA and DECA president, and like i said alot of community service</p>

<p>I'd suggest waiting one more semester then and applying Spring 2010. A 3.55 GPA at Towson is good, but you have not shown Miami that you have potential because of your lack of advanced placement courses.</p>

<p>Take this scenario.</p>

<p>A student with a 4.0 GPA, took only honors no APs. Decent extracurriculars. Gets a 3.5 GPA for first semester at a public university.</p>

<p>A student with a 3.6 GPA, took plenty of APs and Honors in hs, decent extracurricular. Gets a 3.3 GPA for first semester at a top 50 public university (i.e., UF).</p>

<p>Who gets in?
I'd say the second student, because he has shown more potential with his courseload.</p>