<p>What kind of GPA should I have? Is it hard to get in? I think I'll have all the pre-reqs done - Micro/Macroeconomics, Calculus for Business, Finite Math, Business Statistics and so on.</p>
<p>I really want to get into the College of Business, anything I can do to make sure I get in?</p>
<p>Are you already attending the university? It's much easier if you are.</p>
<p>If not, you can only transfer in the fall. You need 60 credits, completion of the pre-reqs which can be found on their website, and at very least a 3.3 GPA. The average GPA of transfer students admitted to business last year, as stated in their transfer handbook, was a 3.3 </p>
<p>I have heard, however, that business is extremely competitive for transfer admission. If you want to be comfortable, get some good EC's, some volunteer work that pertains to your major, and around a 3.7 GPA. If you have any more specific questions i'll try to answer them.</p>
<p>Yeah I'm currently at SIU but I'm going to switch out and go to community college for a year because SIU doesn't have the courses I need to transfer (calculus of business, math finite, so on). So I'll be a junior transfer if I get into U of I.</p>
<p>I think I can pull off a 3.3, but a 3.7 would be pretty hard... (I'm instate by the way, does that help?).</p>
<p>What is your GPA right now? My advice: get it up as high as you possibly can before you apply. Thats all you can do. If you are truely motivated, you'll be suprised how high it can get.</p>
<p>Also, I think the university claims not to take preference one way or another on your location, whether it be in or out of state. </p>
<p>You can size up your chances with this website. It will tell you everything from GPA admission statistics (last page) to how many students were taken from Southern in 2004. It's been my bible for the last two semesters:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.pb.uillinois.edu/Documents/transferchars/2004/UIUC_tchar_2004.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.pb.uillinois.edu/Documents/transferchars/2004/UIUC_tchar_2004.pdf</a></p>
<p>Thank you for the information, my first semester of school I did horrible and didn't even take that much classes: 4 classes and 1 class worth 5 credits that didn't count. I got an F in Math and a D in history and ended up with a 1.75 GPA haha (would have been a 2 something if the 5 credit class was worth anything). But right now that is the past, I got mostly all A's and B's in my classes this semester. I was going through tuff times the first semester but now I'm fine. I'm retaking the math class, should pull an easy A in it now (and they replace the grade here, but still leave an F on the transcript with the new A).</p>
<p>I just hope they will ignore the first semesterÂ… if not I was thinking about applying as Economics (they get to use the business career services and get all the benefits of the business school so says their website).</p>
<p>5 credit courses suuuuck. They have the potential to totally ruin your GPA. My first semester of college I got a 2.5. Two B's, a BC, and a C in a five credit math course. The weight of the 5 credits really screws what could be an average GPA. </p>
<p>Regardless, I dont think they will ignore an entire semester. Remember, since you are a freshman and are in your second semester (correct me if i'm wrong?) you only have one more semester to bring the GPA above 3.0 after this one. </p>
<p>You apply to U of I during the semester in which you will earn 60 credits, and for most, that is 2nd semester soph year. Since you apply before you have actually gotten the 60th credit, they have to make the decision without looking at second semester soph year grades. Hoping they don't look at that first semester seems out of the picture when its 1/3 of your GPA. I've already seen somone on the boards with a 3.1 get rejected for transfer in fall though. So work hard, and good luck!</p>
<p>I have this semester, summer classes (accounting and math), and all of next year. The summer classes should help fix the first semester I hope :).</p>
<p>I might just be confused about your situation, but:</p>
<p>If you transfer, it's gotta be in the Fall. With freshman year, summer classes over this summer to make up for your 5 credits lost your first semester, and 1st semester of soph year = you should have just under 60 credits, meaning it's time to apply (because you apply before you actually GET the 60). This means you would apply during your 2nd semester soph year, making grades in that semester irrelevant. </p>
<p>So you have grades from this semester, your summer session, and your 1st semester of soph year to help bring up the 1.75 GPA.</p>
<p>Since you send your application in January of your soph year, before your classes have really even gotten underway, you wont have that last semester to raise the GPA. So no, you won't have "all of next year"</p>
<p>Sorry if it seems I am being persistent, picky, or confusing, but it's important that we understand eachother. I don't want you to make a mistake in judging how much time you have to pull this off, if you want to transfer into UofI anywhere near as much as I do, then it's probably pretty important to you. I wish you the best of luck, feel free to ask anything else or for any clarifications!</p>
<p>First Semester (Freshman Year)
Macroeconomics: C
Math: F
Public Speaking: A
History: D
English: C (This is the 5-Credit Class which was worth no credit)</p>
<p>2nd Semester
Microeconomics: B
Astronomy: B or A
Government and Politics: A
English: B
Computer Applications for Business: A</p>
<p>This summer I'm taking...
Math (redoing it)
Financial Accounting</p>
<p>Then next year I'm going to community college for a year to finish up, I'll apply during my 2nd semester (sophomore year). Classes I'm taking will be Calculus for Business, Finite Math, Business/Economic Statistics and other Gen Ed classes.</p>
<p>Hope this clears it up :)</p>
<p>hey krbarret, is it possible to transfer into business at the end of 1st semester and do you think they have preference towards UIUC students first?</p>
<p>ok das bier, i think we're good! </p>
<p>Tennisfan: I'm not actually a prospective business school transfer, i'm a prospective communications school transfer. I've just been looking at a little two page brochure with guidlines for transfer for the whole University (available probably by mail request, but I also saw them in the admissions office on a display if you happen to visit).</p>
<p>Sooo, the brochure says these exact words for business: "Business only accepts fall transfers" <- sounds pretty finite to me. I spoke to a UIUC counselor about this same question for Comm college and she said you could attempt to petition for entry, but it's pretty much a losing battle.</p>
<p>Next, if the business school works anything like the communications school, then yes, they do give preference to uiuc students first. The way the comm. school works, they consider applications from UIUC students wanting to enter the college first. (I believe that period has just ended and most are beginning to hear back) Then, after they have made all their decisions and sent acceptance letters to those UIUC students, they decide how many transfers they want to admit, and then they start deciding on the non-UIUC transfer applications they have been letting gather dust in their office since mid january. (This information was found on the Comm College website)</p>
<p>Let me take the words out of my admission officer's mouth during my visitation:</p>
<p>You can only switch colleges [business/engineering] after your sophmore year. So keep trying :)</p>