<p>Okay I had previously Applied to rutgers in my fresman year of college with only 15 credits and a 3.0 gpa and i missed the priority deadline by alot
I did not do the essay and i had no Extracurricular activities except for work which i do part time. Well I was waitlisted and they asked for my spring semester grades but i was in california taking classes at UC berkeley so i could not arrange for them to be sent.</p>
<p>Now my current stats that i applied with are as follows
Btw am applying to SAS as an Econ major and am applying from a mid size four year university</p>
<p>42 credits with a 3.0 Gpa
4 credits for berkeley for an international trade class</p>
<p>Part time work 21 hours a week
Economics club founder and president
Economic Newsletter writer/editor
Big brother Big sister volunteer
Obama campaign volunteer</p>
<p>I also put down that i speak about four languages and am the oldest brother of 4</p>
<p>On a side note by younger brother just got in to rutgers as a freshman and if he gets in and i dont ....</p>
<p>i think you have a chance. not saying 100% because 42 credits at 3.0 GPA is a little low, but you def. have a chance. i’m thinking 65-70% if you ask me.</p>
<p>hey i posted this awhile ago and i still havent heard back yet</p>
<p>to update my last semesters have been 3.4 and 4.0 which brought my gpa upa to a 3.308 they asked for my spring grades semester grades which was my 4.0 semester.</p>
<p>So i have been waiting since like forever its soo nerve-racking espcially since i spoke to this girl in the ru info department who told me that the increase in applications brought up the applicant pools gpa to 3.4 =( i dont have that. I also read the read the RU transfer thread where the girl with a 3.93 didnt get in.</p>
<p>Also to clear things up i go to a medium sized university in Pennslyvania
I TOOk a few credits at UC Berkeley over the summer.</p>
<p>you still have not heard back, thats odd. It should not take this long, even if you did not apply by the priority date. Call admissions and ask them.</p>
<p>i called them today and they said that they have had my spring grades but that they wont update the fact that hey have received them. So the next time they update my screen would be to inform me of the decision. Which Im still worried about because apparently after speaking with someone from the RU-info desk GPA isnt really a factor so idk what they want in an applicant anymore.</p>
<p>Help I have another question my application has been updated twice with nothing changing. Also I was curious as to what the requirements were for school to school transfer in rutgers. I found that an incomplete is counted as an F for the gpa is this just for school to school or does it apply to all applicants because my fall grades had two I’s but the grades should be A and C respectively but both my professors are on sabbatical. I explained this to the RU admissions staff but nobody mentioned anything regarding F’s. Idk should I be worried?</p>
<p>What do you mean by school to school? There is just one school now called Arts and Sciences unless you mean the profesional schools ( Business, Pharmacy and such). As for I’s being counted as F’s I have not heard about that- usually you will not get the credits for that class. Why didnt you go to the head of the department and tell them your situation about the professors being on sabbatical? Did you try emailing those professors?</p>
<p>Yeah you were right they just won’t give me credit for the two I’s. Idk am so worried that they have reviewed my app twice but no decision yet. Iwas told by one of the RU info ppl that a decision was probably imminent. I will not need housing I’d like an apartment on college ave perhaps. Do you happen to have a guess as to what the average transfers gpa was this year?</p>
<p>Yeah I said in an earlier post that I took a few summer classes at berkeley. Back on Topic though i’ve been stressing on this delayed decision. I mean i was told by the girls at RU info that it only takes about three weeks after the transcripts have been received for the decision to be made. Is anyone else waiting for a decision or am I alone? ONE OF THE GIRLS ACTUALLY SAID THAT I MIGHT NOT HEAR TILL AUGUST??? This poses a slight problem because my brother has to put a deposit on his room. I dont think its refundable so its a bit inconvenient. The larger problem is the fact that I would like to start looking for a place…its frustrating.</p>
<p>The RU admission ppl are playing mind games with me when they got my spring grades the said it wouldn’t show on my status but that the next update would have a decision. They updated yesterday to in process >:/ how $@?! frustrating. What could be taking so long?</p>
<p>Yeah… you need to go to the admissions office and speak with a person there do not call if possible. Tell them you situation and you should not have to wait until August.</p>