Transferring after one academic year?

<p>Hi, I'm probably going to get rejected from Tech and accepted to GMU. My question is, how easy is it to transfer after one academic year at GMU for Computer Science to Tech's CS program? Anyone ever done this before?</p>

<p>I transferred from another university in PA after my freshman year. I just wasn’t happy at my old school, so I entered Tech as a sophomore. My suggestions would be to make sure you so well in your classes at GMU, keep your GPA high. When accepting transfers they like to see that students are making progress towards their degree, so I would also make sure that you are taking necessary computer science courses that you would also need at Tech, so that when you do transfer, you’ll be right on track. My last suggestion is to apply early. I applied in December and found out about my acceptance in the beginning of March, but there were very qualified students who applied later that were not able to be accepted. Moral of the story, the overall process wasn’t hard. You’ll have to send transcripts and do the application, but you should be okay as long as you’re on track. :slight_smile: plus you never know, you might be accepted to Tech right away and not have to transfer! I wish you the best of luck! </p>

<p>Go Hokies!</p>

<p>Seconding what is said above. As long as your classes for Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 cover the CLE requirements or something for your major and you do well, you should be able to get in. If for whatever reason you can’t take the classes Tech wants for CS (English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, etc) - then they may not accept you.</p>

<p>I transferred from VCU to Tech a few years ago after one year. I don’t remember my exact GPA after first semester, but it was well above a 3.0.</p>

<p>I made sure that every class I enrolled in would transfer in some way and meet some requirement at Tech. That was difficult during first semester since I didn’t pick my own classes at VCU’s orientation and wasn’t aware of the transfer guide, but second semester I took 18 credits so that I finished requirements in English, Math, Biology, and other core areas. I also took 2 courses for my major.</p>