Transferring from Engineering to Business

I am in the class of 2022 and have been accepted to the college of engineering but want to change my major to business. Am I able to still apply for direct admit to the business school or do I need to go the pre-business track?

You need to contact the University Admissions office to see if this is possible, they would be the ones to make the decision.

Worth trying but you need to do as above. There may not be room for you in the direct admits to business but if you really want an undergrad business degree do the prebusinees work. Definitely change your proposed major before SOAR so you can get the most appropriate advising if you are sure you want to give up the engineering spot.

Also figure out why you want to change. Do not do it for expected money making out of college. If you like the courses needed for becoming an engineer continue with that field. Many engineers will add an MBA and get into management later with a career boost knowing the field.

There is so much outside the business school. Many with other degrees will be able to be successful in business. If you choose a business school major be sure that is what you want. In other words, have a specific business major (or two) in mind. If you do like STEM classes you may want to stick with your original plans for next year and add an elective for a business major as one of your electives.

Your path to your end career does not have to be narrow. Knowledge outside of business can be useful. Remember you are getting an education and not just job skills in college.