Getting into the business school from LAS

Hi, I was admitted to UW Madison college of Letters and Sciences and I was wondering how hard it would be to one day transfer into the business school. I’m not sure what I want to major in yet (that’s why I applied LAS) and I want to keep my options open. I’m afraid I might apply to business and not get in and be stuck in college not majoring in what I want to major in. Thanks in advance!

Most students apply to B school in the spring of their freshman year. At SOAR (summer registration and orientation), you will work with your advisor to identify appropriate courses for fall of freshman year to be in a solid position to apply in the spring. While I understand UW has increased the number of direct admits to B school, it is still a small number compared to the number admitted upon application as freshman.

Good luck, and congrats on your admission!

How long did it take for you to hear back about your admission?

Thank you! I applied October 30 and I heard back January 27th.

BSchool has increased size so that about 75% get in now under reg admissions.

You were admitted to the university as a whole. L&S is the default school/college most students are in, especially freshmen. If you want to eventually be in the business school I suggest putting your planned business school major on your UW forms (sorry, not a student, don’t know online forms) to get advising for prebusiness majors at SOAR. That will be most helpful in getting advice on which courses to take freshman year to meet university breadth requirements and prepare you for your business major. You may find yourself changing your plans once you have experienced college as well.

You can’t transfer to the business school, you have to apply.

One thing you can do now is email admissions to change to pre-business in L&S so that you get into the right SOAR group.