Transferring from Private University to UW, will my credits transfer?

<p>Hey, so I've been at this 4-year Private University for two years and want to transfer. So far I'm a junior in standing (credit wise) and I calculated that I have 105 quarter credits (if they transfer). </p>

<p>I'm afraid that all that hard work in my courses and all my credits (or some) won't transfer over to UW. I contacted my own academic advisor and they said that they can't help because apparently it's not in their speciality. I don't know how to tell which classes will transfer and which won't.
Does anyone have any similar stories or what happened to them? </p>


<p>The answer is simple: [Transfer</a> Credit Policies | University of Washington](<a href=β€œ]Transfer”>
Please read it really well – it will answer most of your questions.</p>

<p>Also, ask somebody to fire your academic advisor.</p>

<p>thanks so much!</p>

<p>and trust me I am going to write to the dean about it…</p>