Transferring into Corps of Cadets?

I’m currently a PSA student at a system school and am planning on transferring to College Station in the fall and joining the Corps. The only thing is by the time I transfer, I will have enough credits to be a junior. Is it worth being in the Corps for only 2 years?

@LeadFarmer01 Howdy! I am in the same predicament you are. Though I plan on double majoring so technically I will be a sophomore to the corps once I finish the “fish” semester. I wasn’t quite sure how everyone would get along with a transfer. I’ve heard some good and some bad. I mean scholarship and leadership wise I find it to be worth it. It will look good and also could potentially help reduce some of that tuition; but otherwise I’m not to sure. Anyone else have input on this topic?

Wow, I was just wondering about this and stumbled upon this thread. I am currently a mechanical engineering major at a community college in Dallas. I plan on joining the corps when I transfer, which at that time I will be a junior. So, I emailed one of the administrators responsible about the transferring cadets. That person said that the first semester will be the fish semester, and depending on when I graduate, I will be moved up.

Do you get priority registration if you are part of the corps of cadets?

@Baylorpoly I do not believe so no.