transferring max.(70) CC units

<p>Hi All.</p>

<p>I have completed over 100 units at community college but 4 year universities only accept a maximum of 70 CC units, so i was wondering if we got to choose the 70 units that we WANT to transfer over (because i took a bunch of courses for fun that were not related to my major).</p>

<p>Or do the 4 year universities take only the first 70 units on my transcript?</p>

<p>THANKS!!! :)</p>

<p>What is a unit? A credit? I am confused about this.</p>

<p>Each college/university that you apply to will decide which of your credits to accept and what to accept them for. They will pick and choose from your entire transcript. Three common ways of using the credits include:</p>

<p>Transfer for credit - it is as though you took the class at that school
Placement - they let you take the next level course but you don’t get academic credit for the previous course
Credit for distribution requirement - they use your course to eliminate a general ed. requirement that isn’t related to your major field</p>

<p>Most colleges/universities will want you to complete two full years of coursework, and the bulk of your major field requirements there. After you are admitted, and you find out which credits they will apply, you can ask for a meeting with the person that handles this and see if you can negotiate for a list of accepted credits that will work better for you. For instance, if you have lots of credits in your major field, maybe you can arrange for your community college coursework to allow you to be placed into advanced coursework even though you will still need to complete a standard X number of credits in the major field.</p>

<p>Ashford University ( <a href=“”></a> ) will accept up to 90 semester hours of transfer credits. I don’t know if there is a restriction on the number that come from a community college.</p>

<p>University of Maryland University College will accept up to 70 semester hours of transfer credits from community colleges, and up to 90 from four year institutions or other kinds of combinations including credit by exam [Transfer</a> Credit Policies - School of Undergraduate Studies - UMUC](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>

<p>The University System of Maryland maintains a transfer equivalency database [ARTSYS</a> Main Menu](<a href=“]ARTSYS”> If you check around, you may find a similar database that includes your community college and the four year schools that you are interested in.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>