Transferring to Purdue

<p>I am currently a freshman at CCSU (Central CT State University) and want to transfer to a more academically challenging school. Right now my first semester is almost ending and I want to transfer after I finish my second semester. But I didn't do so hot on my SAT with a score of 970 (1600 scale). But I attended a very competitive public high school with 3.2 GPA. Right now I am getting mostly A's in every class and my GPA would probably be in the 3.8 plus range. Do you think Purdue will accept me as a transfer into their Computer/IT program in their school of technology? Will they look more at my college record or my past high school and SAT scores more?</p>

<p>Where are you from first of all? Since Purdue is a state school it matters a little bit. Secondly, I know you have to send your high school transcript no matter what because you have to have met the requirements then for admission. Also, I know they have some closed programs so you might want to check their website to see if the actual program you want to go into is offering admission for that semester.
As far as your hs stats, they seem average for purdue don’t worry too much. I know people that got accepted that were worse off.
Also, you really do want to prepared math wise, meaning at least calc. 1, because I think that maybe what you need to get into the school of technology.</p>

<p>You do need calc</p>

<p>I am from CT. I already checked and the computer/information technology program is not closed. The requirements for my program are; minimum of college level precalc coarse (which i’m taking next semester) and at least a 3.0 GPA which should not be a problem. I am still trying to decide weather it is worth transferring to Purdue or University of CT since Uconn it so much cheaper since it is in state. Both seems good schools.</p>