Transferring to really good schools

<p>Hey guys,
I am currently enrolled in UC Merced as a Bioengineering major. I have heard alot of bad things about UC Merced such as its not accredited and what not. Now that I have heard so much I am in desperate need of transferring to some other school which is better than UC Merced. I am a freshmen currently in my 2nd Semester. My gpa isn't that high since last semester I decided to take all of the hard classes. But I know that by the end of this semester I will have a final GPA of 3.3. Also after that I am taking summer school so that should also boost up my GPA. Also I am taking all of the science, math, CSE classes (the real core ones for engineering). Once again I know my GPA isn't that good but I would still like to know if I have chance for admittance in schools like Caltech, Berkeley, UCLA, Wash U etc. All of the classes I have taken and will take in fall 2009 and spring 2010 are,
Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Linear algebra and differential equations,
Bio 1, Bio 100,
CSE 20 & 21
Physics 8 and 9 (calculus based)
Chem 02 and 10 (general chemistry)
Writing 01 and Writing 10
BioE 30 (Intro to bioengineering)
Eng 45,
Chem 08 (Organic Chemistry)

<p>I know that my GPA is not going to be any less than 3.6 or 3.7.
I am also involved in extracurricular. I am a part of YLP (Yosemite Leadership Program), DEM (Delta Epsilon Mu) a pre-health fraternity and I have community service hours of over 200. I am also employed as a teacher proctor for disable students in UC Merced. I am also planning on working with a doctor for this summer and increasing my hours for voluntary work. Also I am planning on writing a very brief personal statement.<br>
Finally, if I dont' at all have any chance at any of these schools suggestions of other schools (well accredited) with bioengineering program would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Youe best chance would be to leave Merced, attend a community college for a year and apply from there. CC students have the priority for UC transfers. The best UC for BME is UCSD, it is probably the top BME program in the Country.</p>

<p>Well I dont think its wise to go from a UC to a community college. I mean maybe UC Merced is not a good choice but I think it is still better than a junior/community college.</p>