Transferring to UMiami probability?

<p>I am thinking about going to the University of Colorado Boulder for a year and then transferring to University of Miami, where I got rejected originally. I have many questions regarding how this would play out, however:
1) The average GPA for transfer students to UMiami currently is placed at a 3.3 but if I came from CUBoulder, will I have to have around a 3.6 to be competitive because CUBoulder is not as "prestigious"? (My HS GPA is a 2.99 but I had an upward trend throughout the year and had great EC. My SAT is an 1840.)
2) Based on experience you may have, do students who transfer tend to struggle socially and academically in their new schools? I want to go greek so I would have to refrain from doing so at my original school and wait until I transfer because you can not pledge a fraternity at two different schools.
3) CUBoulder is not the only school I have gotten into. I have gotten into Eckerd and UNCW (and am waiting on Tulane which is a reach, and Elon). Should I go to the easiest school possible my first year so I can get the highest GPA I can?</p>

<p>Any insight you can provide or help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>


<p>Iā€™m not sure about sophomore applicants, but I just got accepted to UMiami from CC with around a 3.4~3.5 with excellent extracurricular activities and some stellar recommendations. It might help for you to check here: <a href=ā€œFall 2014 Transfer - #31 by CarolineBrookeA - University of Miami - Florida - College Confidential Forumsā€>;/a&gt;. 3.6 should be golden.</p>