<p>What are the chances of a Dallas Community college Student with 36 hours and a 3.7 GPA of getting into UT as a transfer?</p>
<p>It depends on the major but generally you are looking in good shape. Major? McCombs will be quite difficult, and engineering too to a lesser degree. LA or NS you should be in for sure.</p>
<p>i’m attempting to transfer to McCombs</p>
<p>i am trying to do the same but i don’t think you will get into mccombs externally because the minimum GPA to transfer into mccombs externally is 3.8. and even then theres a good chance you won’t get in.</p>
<p>here is a link for external tranfer:
[Undergraduate</a> Programs - The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/admissions/external.asp]Undergraduate”>http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/admissions/external.asp)</p>
<p>you might want to consider transferring internally. thats what i am doing because i won’t get into mccombs externally.</p>
<p>here is the link for internal transfer:
[Undergraduate</a> Programs - The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/admissions/internal.asp]Undergraduate”>http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/admissions/internal.asp)</p>
<p>topawala20: who told you that “the minimum GPA to transfer into mccombs externally is 3.8.” </p>
<p>From what I’ve heard, McCombs ranks everyone by GPA, then adjusts the applicants rankings for things like positive grade trends, class rigor, good essays, etc… So GPA isn’t the only factor, but it is the main factor.</p>
<p>My friend talked to a UT advisor the other day. He said that it is almost impossible to transfer into McCombs as an external transfer. I think they only accept 75 kids in total into thier program each year as transfer. I dont know if that includes internal. The advisor also said that he has seen kids with 4.0 GPA’s from CC’s that got denied. I would recomend having work experience or something like volunteer service to set you apart from the rest of the hundreds of kids who are also looking into transfering.</p>
<p>Since my friend will most likely be denied from McCombs with a 3.85 GPA, he is looking into an economics major with a minor in business. But then again he is looking to goto grad school so taking economics might be the smarter choice for him.</p>
<p>You can not minor in business at UT.</p>
<p>Students who have not been admitted to McCombs can only take “Business Foundations” courses. These are very easy classes, not at all what the kids in McCombs take.</p>
<p>my bad about that “minimum 3.8 GPA thing.” but what i meant to say was that you need like a 3.8 to have a shot because i know many people who didn’t get in even with over 3.8.</p>
<p>Actually, you can minor in Business Administration if you’re an Economics major.</p>
<p>[Department</a> of Economics, University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“College of Liberal Arts | The University of Texas at Austin”>College of Liberal Arts | The University of Texas at Austin)</p>
<p>MidwestMom2Kids_: You might wanna fact check next time before you obnoxiously put something in bold</p>
<p>wow, so far The information has been slightly discouraging.</p>
<p>Sorry. My point wasn’t to be discouraging. It is worth a shot, but don’t get your hopes up like my friend who realized it won’t be as easy as he thought to get into McCombs. But, I was trying to show that there are other majors out there that can be similar to bussiness. What do you ultimatly want to do in the future?</p>
<p>I appreciate the advice nonetheless.</p>
<p>I want to be a lawyer, but I want to take the business or economics route undergrad.</p>
<p>So your lookin’ at law school… yeah I think it is like Med school in which all they care about is your GPA. So If I were you, I would take an easier major like economics.</p>
<p>MidwestMom, your post implies that McCombs is hard in the first place. That’s false. McCombs is hard to get in to, but it’s a joke afterwards.</p>
<p>McCombs admissions is rough. As a transfer, you do bascially need a 4.0.</p>
<p>But you can go to UT as an undeclared Liberal Arts major and then I think you only need like a 3.5 to transfer in to McCombs if you want to.</p>
<p>cr1909, I am sorry. We were told by an admissions rep that a student in the College of Natural Sciences or the College of Liberal Arts could not minor in business at UT - seemed like a reliable source! </p>
<p>If you do a search on the UT site for “business minor,” here is what pops up, the minor that does not take the same McCombs classes that McCombs kids take:</p>
[Policy</a> - Undergraduate Programs](<a href=“http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/Advising/policy/declare_minor.asp]Policy”>http://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/udean/Advising/policy/declare_minor.asp)</p>
<p>but the “Business Economics Option Program (BEOP)” you have listed above is clearly a specific exception to this and I will remember this and save the “You can’t minor in business” warning for people who aren’t Econ majors.</p>
<p>BEOP sounds like a great back door into McCombs for a liberal arts student who is good at math and interested in economics.</p>
<p>Besides Engineering Route to Business and the Business Economics Option Program, are there other ways for non-McCombs students to take McCombs business courses at UT?</p>
<p>theloneranger: the minimum GPA to mccombs internal tranfer is NOT 3.5. it changes every year because they decid the minimum GPA based on how many people apply that year. last year the minimum was 3.6 to get into mccombs internally. so you basically need to keep it at 3.7-4.0 for you to be sure that your in.</p>
<p>but yes go ahead and put your 1st major as mccombs. who know you might get in externally if your lucky enough.</p>
<p>Next question, what are the classes that need to be taken to transfer as an economics major, because it is telling me MAT 408D and MAT 408C is required, but I can’t find any equivalent courses at my school</p>
<p>MATH 408C and 408D are the same thing as Calculus I, II, and III, just taught as a two semester sequence. If you are using some sort of course comparison chart, try looking for an equivalent for MATH 408 K, L, and M. That is the three semester sequence for Calculus.</p>
<p>oh okay thanks…</p>
<p>so what are like the course requirements and GPA requirements to transfer as an economics major?</p>
<p>check this website:
[Department</a> of Economics, University of Texas at Austin](<a href=“College of Liberal Arts | The University of Texas at Austin”>College of Liberal Arts | The University of Texas at Austin)[0]=economics</p>
<p>and this one: this tells you what classes transfer
[UT</a> ATE System - Query by Other College’s Course](<a href=“UT ATE System”>UT ATE System)</p>
<p>and as far as i what i know, i don’t think there are any additional requirements to get in as economics major once your already in liberal arts. you can e mail one of the economics major advisor and make sure though.</p>