Transferring to UW Madison

Yo i’m applying as a transfer too!
My stats:
Highschool GPA: 3.2
College Cum GPA: 3.5
17 credits completed with 18 in progress
Extracurricular: Empower, Habitat for Humanity, Community Blood Drive, Chi Sigma Tau, Under Armour employee, and more.
2 letters of recommendation from my university (Geography and Math professor)
and I am in state
Lets get it

Hi, I am a student currently at UW-Superior. I am sophomore, and my current GPA is 3.9
This summer, I did an internship with PepsiCo at their headquarters. I am a management and economics double major. Have got a really good letter of recommendation. Am a tutor and a research assistant at the school of business and economics currently. Had published a book at the age of 16.
I am applying to Madison right now, for Fall 2017.
What are my chances?

Hello, student at Arizona State.

My stats:
Highschool GPA: 3.4
College Cum GPA: 3.7
50 credits completed with 14 in progress
Extracurricular: Some volunteer work here and there.
1 letter of recommendation from Math professor.
Out of state
Applying for electrical engineering. Changed major to engineering after first year so currently a freshmen/sophomore in course work for engineering.

Hello, student at UW-Washington County.

43 completed credits/will finish with 61
Avg College GPA: 3.2 (3.2 every semester)
High School GPA: 1.8
6 year extensive work history following high school (promotions, opportunities for advancement at two different companies)
involved in judo and campus newspaper
Dad went to UW-Madison (Legacy)
Solid Essays
2 Awesome Letters of Reccommendation (One from current employer, and one from a high school teacher who went to UW-madison and studied my field of interest)
Applied for Political Science and Communication Arts
