Transfers between direct entry programs

<p>How difficult is it to transfer from one direct entry program to another? My daughter is a freshman. She's not thrilled with her school and is interested in transferring to another direct entry program for sophomore year. Given how competitive nursing programs have become, is this possible?</p>

<p>While not impossible it is not easy to accomplish. Most direct entry Nursing Schools have very few students who decide to leave nursing or the school (for other reasons) after their freshman year. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that most universities have students in other majors who want to transfer into nursing as well. The competition for the few available slots is usually very intense. Your D’s GPA the first semester of college would be very important. While many schools will formally tell applicants that a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 3.2 is needed for consideration, in reality I believe a much higher GPA (above 3.5) would be needed even for possible consideration. You did not delineate why your D is unhappy at her current school but perhaps she might feel more comfortable with her current school if she gives it a little more time. I know of some students who transferred to other schools and then regretted it. In fact the odds might actually be better to transfer after her sophomore year than her freshman year because you would no longer be competing with students from other majors at the same school for third year slots. Best wishes to your D.</p>