Transfers - Did you go on Friday?

<p>Did any applicants attend the Transfer Session? I had to take a physics test at 5pm, so there was no way to make it (although I think I did well! =) keeping the spring GPA up). But if you did attend, can you fill in a bit about what was talked about? Thanks =)</p>

<p>Basically the whole session (an hour) was a question/answer type deal. One of the three people who reads the transfer applications stood up there and fielded questions. A lot of what was talked about was community college and how many spots he has for each school, etc. I can't remember everything that was discussed right now in detail, but if you or anyone else has any specific questions, I'll do my best to tell you what their answer was (if there was one). One specific thing that I remember is that for second-year transfers (current freshmen), high school grades and college grades are looked at equally.</p>

<p>Let me know if anyone has any questions; I'd be happy to answer them if I can</p>

One of the three people who reads the transfer applications stood

Greg Roberts, Associate Dean and Director of Transfer Admission ran the program. </p>

<p>We all read transfer applications. I'm not sure where the number three came from, but there are a few more of us involved!</p>

<p>I didn't go to this session, but I did attend the one in October, which I imagine was pretty simular to this one (they both had the same description and purpose). My session didn't really give any great advice or tips for getting ahead in the application process; it was mainly for those who were deciding whether to transfer to the university or not and what schools there were to transfer in to. Shoebox, since you've already decided to apply to the school, I doubt there was much to be gained by going to the meeting besides understanding that you need good grades and standing at your current institution to be considered. I visited the school for both this meeting and the meeting for normal, first-year undergraduates. they seemed pretty simular in that they both explained why you should come to U.Va. and what options there were there.</p>

<p>Yeah i'm goingo to the SEAS open house Saturday, so I figure that will suffice...thanks! =)</p>