
<p>Do any of you have children who are attending or have attended Transylania University in Lexington, Kentucky? Could you tell us about their experiences there?</p>

<p>My D has been accepted there and it is at the top of her list. We have many friends who went there and loved the small class sizes and intimacy of the school. It’s an LAC in a big city and practically sits in the middle of the UK campus. Great matriculation rates into graduate schools, med schools and law school. It’s a hidden gem IMHO.</p>

<p>To give you some idea of what direction the school is thinking about taking, here’s a link to their PLAN 2020.</p>

<p>[Transylvania</a> University - a liberal arts college in Central Kentucky](<a href=“]Transylvania”></p>

<p>My S was accepted and it’s at the top of the list also, for the same reasons Walker1194 mentioned.</p>

<p>I have lived in Lexington twice in my life and have high regard for Transy and the wonderful area. While I consider Centre to be the premier private school in KY, Transy is a close second. We investigated it seriously for D before she was accepted ED to her first choice school and I have had friends attend and children of friends. All have been happy and successful.</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses. I am impressed with what I have learned about the school so far. One concern I have is the large number of students who are in fraternities and sororities. While I don’t necessarily think such clubs are bad, I just don’t think my child will be interested in that, and don’t want her to feel like an outsider. Do any of you know what sort of relationship the students who are in those organizations have with the ones who are not?</p>

<p>Experience at Transylvania University? </p>

<p>Never go outside after dark and never verbally invite someone into your dorm room who hesitates at the doorway threshold? ;)</p>

<p>DS goes to a school that is very Greek, and regularly visits the rival school that is also extremely Greek. When a small school has a large Greek life two things are common. One thing that will be a given is that the majority of the parties will be hosted by fraternities.That can be a pain for the social life, so an important question to ask the wonderful students that call your house this spring is if the parties are generally closed to open to all on campus. The other is that there will be several chapters that appeal to people that would otherwise not be Greek. At his campus there is a house that is full of the same guys that host a lot of video game tournaments, play Dungeons and Dragons and are self-described nerds. Another house is full of Glee Club, drama major guys.
DS looked at Transy and was invited to their scholarship program, but didn’t choose to attend. It has a great long history and many of the people on staff have impressive credentials. Good luck.</p>