Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I actually follow Gabby. Her posts are simple and brief.

Hmmm I don’t want to follow Rachel but maybe I should check her out

Already dreading tonight’s episode…and have the DVR set for it!

I think tonight will demand popcorn -

Popcorn is a great idea! I think I’ll do popcorn for dinner and top it with butter and parmesan cheese - cheese to compliment the CHEESINESS of the show! (remember the finale is TWO parts - this Tuesday and NEXT Tuesday…)

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And will Gabby just be dragging Erich from place to place? “Here is my hometown but I don’t really have any relatives for you to meet.” Rose ceremony: “Here, this one’s for you.” Last romantic date?

Meanwhile Rachel is shuttling men around, crying.

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This morning I woke up to two audio messages from my oldest daughter who late last night just caught up on fantasy suites. H was still sleeping so I was under the covers trying to listen on the lowest phone volume to her messages about all drama - and she had only watched the first night!

She doesn’t realize that Jason also runs from the engagement camp. I’ll be expecting more audio messages tomorrow morning…

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One of my favorite combos - I add a bit of fresh cracked black pepper as well…

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That is all.

Good sense loses.


Rachel looked like she was so uncomfortable on stage. I have my theory!

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I have no words. None.

Honestly Rachel looked like she was ready to either cry or vomit at the end on the stage with Jessie - like there was not an ounce of joy in her face.

Btw, people not on EST , the show goes 16 minutes past the two hours

Aven wins sensible man of the year.


Jesse Palmer is so bad at this. Wish they had gone with the two former contestants again whose names I can’t remember.

You mean Rachel might cry? I don’t believe it!

What a train wreck.

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Rachel should have played the long game.


One thing I really hated was ABC bringing Zach and Aven on the stage/show and making them sit there and speak like they had to apologize for their behavior to Rachel. SO. WRONG. Neither had anything to apologize for!

I’m a little confused because I think all signs are that Rachel is going to get engaged to Tino (blech) except for the tiff we see where Tino looks totally disheveled and he and Rachel are arguing.

Also WHY do we have to do another show? Last night could have def been shorted and it was absurd that they extended the two hours. That was ridiculous - this is not like breaking news people…


I have to watch next week because at this point I just have to see what happens but agree this is a train wreck. These women just want to get engaged so badly that it doesn’t really matter which man. I really sympathize with the guys. They probably signed up for the show thinking this will be fun and I’ll get tv exposure. They never really thought they’d be at the end actually expecting to get engaged.

I would like to know Rachel’s family true opinions of Aven and Tino. I think her mom was so pleasantly surprised at Aven and the way he and Rachel acted together and then shocked when Rachel indicated there was an issue. Tino again, brushing over the fact that his family did not warm up to Rachel.

At least we got a few smiles and notes of happiness from Gabby!

Should we make predictions? I mean is there anything left to predict? I know some of you already have spoilers…

My prediction:
Gabby and Erich will continue a relationship - she will realize there is nothing wrong with “dating” first. Ring may or may not be an outcome but they will both commit to trying a relationship.

Rachel. It looks like we see her sort of walking away from the final rose podium? Does Tino get cold feet? Is that when they argue? I predict in the end he will propose because he wants to “win” the game and Rachel will accept cause girl wants a diamond on her finger…I don’t know that they will last - like maybe even by now they have broken up?

(these are just guesses I have no leaked info)

i think the girls are just set up with the expectation that as bachelorette, someone will love them and propose. that’s how is mostly always is.

but it’s so dang ridiculous really in real life. Aven likes her. he wants to just take it slower. Why does she have to demand “but i want to leave engaged!”

does she feel national pressure that she might not be the one who is not proposed to? does she think this is the only chance of hooking a husband? If she really did like him back, why did she have him leave??? rachael has had a hella season for sure. I hope every girl going into this in the future has their eyes wide open.

its like they think that ring proves their worth - but come on.

I think there has been talk for awhile about whether the end all of this franchise should be “engagement” - but to change that would make it “just another dating show”??

I was especially annoyed that Rachel could not seem to think or see that Aven was the product of a broken family who from the sounds of it his parents went through a pretty rough divorce and years following as a family - so OF COURSE he wants to proceed with caution! But NOPE, Rachel and her needs first!!! :roll_eyes:


To be fair, he did not tell her this until she heard what he said to her friends that he wasn’t ready just yet. Sounds like he said something different in the fantasy suite.

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