Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Jesse Palmer is on Kelly and Ryan in a bit. I’ll let you know whether he says anything illuminating. Kelly can’t stand the whole franchise. I love how irreverent she is about it.

ETA: OK, I learned something that isn’t a secret, I’m sure, but I didn’t know. It doesn’t end next week. I assumed next week was a two-parter, but apparently the episodes are on the 13th and the 20th so Tuesdays from now on. Also, Jesse multiple times said Erich is Gabby’s only choice “for now.” No doubt just trying to create some drama there, but be prepared for someone to come back on. :roll_eyes:

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Oh dear…these are hours of my life I will never get back -


Maybe is Monday night football or something coming back???

It’s Jesse’s job to create/deliver set up for drama. :slight_smile: Showing him on that disheveled set last night is a perfect example!!!

“For now”. LOL. The 20th is my bday, maybe my best gift will be that Nate returns and he Gabby live happily ever after. :laughing:

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Monday, September 12 - Denver Broncos at Seattle Seahawks

Monday, September 19 - Minnesota Vikings at Philadelphia Eagles

I watched both episodes last night. I know there is editing and they try to create drama but this season was really bad. The conversation between Gabby and Rachel at the beginning was so over scripted. And what were Aven and Rachel even saying to each other? Looking back, the bad botox and spray tans should have been a warning sign.

Last season they had the girls sitting in the same room waiting for each other to come back from the overnight dates. That was bad. This season they focused on the guys being worried and uncomfortable with the overnight dates. Not sure why they are playing up these insecurities and if they feel that it is entertaining to the audience.

Gabby talks about Johnny saying that she isn’t sure how she feels about him and then cries that “he never loved me.”

Why does Rachel keep talking about Clayton? She doesn’t want to lead people on like Clayton did but tells Aven “I am falling in love with you” and he is supposed to know that is different from her saying, “I am in love with you”? Is that not leading someone on?

Gabby told Erich, “This is our first date without family.” There was a lot of talk between the girls and guys about it being a long time since they had been together. It really did seem like they didn’t know much about each other. Reality Steve says that they only spend a total of maybe 48-72 hrs together during the filming. This season they canceled a lot of cocktail parties and dates so it is probably less.

One thing I thought was better this season was because they have so many dates, people at the rose ceremonies, etc., they didn’t replay everything before the commercial, then after the commercial, then talk about it for a while. Much less of that and that was nice.


You’re not wrong about all this!! It was never going to work with 2 contestants to have the show still be the same length of time, to have barely more guys than they do for 1 contestant. We know SO little about any of these guys. We only know a little more about Gabby and Rachel but that’s because we had them for two seasons!

Rumored for weeks and now official - Gabby will be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars.

Yikes. Not exactly happy to hear this!

She’s got the legs for it and was (still is?) a cheerleader.

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I thought the same thing. She’s got great gams, as they say.

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I think Gabby looks a lot thinner on this season than last. She’ll fade away if she dances 10 hours a day on DWTS


Long dancing hours will do that to you, pretty sweet deal if you ask me :slightly_smiling_face:

Love Gabby but I won’t be watching. Any attention from me to DWTS left a long time ago! Someone told me it’s not even on regular ABC? You have to pay to watch it? That can’t be correct!

I feel like this fuels the fire that she doesn’t end up with someone. I don’t know any of this at all, but just me thinking aloud…

That is correct. It’s on Disney+.

A photo of Erich, printed in his HS yearbook, appearing in blackface surfaced today.

Do they not vet these contestants? More importantly, raise your hand if you knew in 2012 that blackface was inappropriate. I sure did.

And even if you give a pass to a teenager (which I don’t), what was the faculty moderator thinking? :roll_eyes:


As I said, I hope she is going on DWTS as a single unattached lady.

I know the answer, but I won’t spoil it. :grin:

Has anyone checked out the social media accounts of either Gabby or Rachel?

Rachel’s tiktok popped up on my feed and it wasn’t what I expected. Gabby’s is pretty much how she was portrayed on TV.