Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I’ll TRY and finish the last 40 mins or so tonight but wow that was all A LOT. While I have not been a fan of Tino and think something about him is off, I also feel just sort of neutral about Rachel - I don’t know if she came on the show with the right attitude or frame of mind?

I wish her well to take a dating break, take the time to put herself in a good place and all - I wonder if she and Aven will actually start seeing each other. I think (and they mentioned it) there was more to the Rachel/Tino rocky relationship that we will never know - maybe things not even having to do with the relationship itself.

I was actually a tad surprised to see that Gabby and Erich were indeed fully together, at least as presented. I wonder if in the end, she was more willing to “take a chance” on dating/the relationship and not be so tied to “we’re getting married!”. I still adore her (that does not mean she is perfect) and I wish them well.

I also hope that she and Rachel continue to be supports for each other.

But I really really don’t think I’ll bother to watch Zach and I am STUMPED as to why he was chosen. He seemed SO out of his element in the limelight on the show last night.

The bachelor formula is to pick a very handsome but very vanilla man and let the women create the drama.

I have to say that I think this franchise has truly jumped the shark. They need to back off all the unnecessary drama.


There was a lot of Twitter criticism of Rachel last night, seemed like more than for Tino.

Separately, I didn’t even recognize Kaitlyn Bristowe last night until Jesse called on her, I really don’t understand why attractive young-ish women get so much work done on their faces.


when i saw that - and sean - it made me think how there really is a sweet spot for the bachelor/ette franchise with ages. having mid 30s/40s in this scenario just wouldnt work. I’d like to think that’s because the audience would think it was really ridiculous seeing 40 yr olds vying for attention of othesr through all the antics (like boxing, truth or dare, eating whip cream off each other) and knowing inside people that age are more settled down, career & family focused.

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That was painful to watch. It sounded like Rachel had issues that didn’t really involve her relationship with Tino. Also, did they say that one of the relationship problems that was discussed, was cut from the film clip? Tino got points with me when he showed up with his little notebook of quotes. :wink:


I never cared for Tino. I though he was controlling and the fact that he was with an old girlfriend when things got a little rocky with his fiancé does not bode well for being faithful in a marriage. I thought Rachel was right to send him packing. But, and it’s a huge but, Rachel has some major issues. If I were Aven I would be running away from that situation.

I hope that Gabby and Erich can make it work. They looked happy.


Something about Rachel doesn’t sit well with me. Highs were so high, lows were so low … she just came across as immature.

Saw Gabby and Rachel on TV this morning. Gabby is as charming as ever – funny, irreverent.

I would encourage those of you not excited about next season – and, really, who could be? – to read the Reality Steve spoiler once it’s out. Knowing how this ends up really gives you a different perspective and helps you suss out how the editing affects how we see things. Once I knew it was Erich and Tino, it was mostly obvious it was Erich and Tino.

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Rachel should have gone into law.

I don’t care for the way she spoke to either Aven or Tino.

I may have misinterpreted what was said but she said something about dating and not wanting to wear the ring (which is a surprise after her issue with Aven). At Tino’s suggestion, she went through counseling. One of them (maybe her) said that they weren’t in love anymore.

Tino would touch on some of these things in trying to explain what went down and, every time, she would reply with “Do you really want to go there?” I felt for him in that his hands were tied with what he could and couldn’t say. It is hard to discuss things if you can’t tell the whole story.

Was it Zach who said she was a different person when the cameras were off?

Funny, I was as well! Was that a belt around her thigh?

Doubtful. I don’t think she ever really cared about him. She was fixated on Tino from the beginning. I think they just needed a way to get her off stage.

They tried with Clare Crawley who was in her mid to late 30s. Besides the fact that she ended the season early, there must have been other reasons that it didn’t work.

What bothered me was Rachel’s issue with Tino taking a break during their discussion. Didn’t Rachel do that with the racecar driver and with Tyler? Obviously, in Rachel’s eyes, this get together wasn’t to discuss their relationship. It was for her to be right and for Tino to be wrong. It was cringey as Tino said, “Just have her break up with me” and “Let me out of here.” When they had Rachel walk outside, Tino was probably taking his mic off as his shirt was unbuttoned. They probably told her that she needed to get off the couch and go talk to him. I don’t know if it was in his contract or if he is being paid more to film that extra segment but he obviously had to finish it because he kept going back in.

I don’t think anyone supports cheating but I think many people felt sorry for Tino. I expect to see him on BIP.


That would be a new twist of an approach for me…to read the spoilers.

My tv time is limited so if I’m not into a show I don’t waste my time!

There are certain shows that I enjoy more when I know the spoilers. This show is one of them. There is so much editing and drama in the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I can get past it much easier if I know it is someone who gets eliminated. I pay more attention to the conversations and interactions between the lead and the final four. I also like knowing who is being cast on BIP so I can pay more attention to them while they are on the Bachelor/ette.

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5 minutes of reading the spoilers allows me to FF through much of the 25 hours that was this dumpster fire. :grin:

Aside from skipping ahead to see who are the final 4, I’ll check to see who is on BIP, so I can watch their scenes and not be like “who?” when that cast is announced.


I don’t even know what to say. To heck with “dramatic” I’d say the most drawn out season of the show yet.

I think Rachael needs serious counseling - I don’t even know if I feel “sorry” for her or what. Tino is a mess. Aven is in trouble if he dates her.

The outfit Gabby wore looks like it should have been one from DWTS - the garter was intended to mimic the buckle on the shoulder. Tiny as she is the dress was still to small and I think it wasn’t thought out. I hope she & Erich are able to give things a real try.

Zach - I think I fell asleep listening to him. He has very little personality and I truly can’t imagine an entire season with him (and yes, I’ll probably watch). I did like the personality of the woman that got the rose. She seemed the least pageantry.


When I first saw Gabby come out in that dress, I had to replay on my DVR to make sure I saw it correctly! Then I felt like an old lady thinking how it was odd and too short; not sure how she sat in it, but she managed.

I only could watch the first 2 hours, but will most likely watch the last hour tonight. It was a interesting watch for the summer, but I think I will skip future seasons.


Here is the dress. It’s $2600. I didn’t like it.

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I thought she looked great in the black. They have dresses Rachel in red tooooo many times.

I think Gabbys dress is on point with her current role - which she was also promoting last night - on DWTS.

That whole charade with the 5 women for first impression rose was ALL kinds of Awkward for everyone !!


It was very cringe worthy, for sure. :grimacing:


OMG! Not even a garter as I thought - just an embellishment- :flushed:

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I’m sure that dress required quite a bit of double stick tape so her lady parts wouldn’t show!


I can’t be the only one who thought this while watching the episode:
