Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Michael is a fan favorite and producers have had eyes on him to be the Bachelor ever since he left the Bachelorette. I’m sure he came on this show to meet Danielle and everything is set up so that their relationship will succeed. My guess is that she was supposed to come in with the “new girls” but he was ready to leave so they brought her in early. They were conveniently on a date and not separated like the other couples. There are lots of spoilers about Michael & Danielle’s relationship as well as recent responses to their relationship from Sierra.

Regarding the girls only knowing the guys for five days, there were several comments that they spent more time with each other in the first couple of days of BIP than they spent with the lead on their Bachelor/ette season. There are more references this season to “the list” that each provided to the producers so they seem to know who came on the show to meet who. Others are just paired up with someone to get a rose and stay on the show until someone from their list shows up. I’m not sure who Lace is there to meet but it wasn’t Rodney.

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Michael is currently paired with Danielle, who came in later to the show.

Sorry, typed the wrong name. I’ll fix it. :smile:

Right…and she’s hysterical because everyone loves Rodney too, and when one of the newbies scoops him up, Lace is going to be mate-less, leaving her without a rose for when her “meet from the list” person shows up.

(just my conspiracy theory, not based on anything)

I think unless they leave by their own choice, the goal is to get as much beach/vacation time as possible even if they have to kiss a few frogs to get it. :frog:

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You might be interested in this US article (no spoilers) that includes comments from Serene, "“I mean how would y’all feel if y’all saw Eliza Isichei standing in front of you looking that goodt and then you have to leave??” she tweeted. “I’m sorry but to lose an * undisclosed amount * of time during a 3week to month long process is messed up regardless of how strong your relationship is - time is valuable. When other shows do it they’re looking at 12 weeks of filming.”

Also interesting is Wells’ tweet about Danielle and Michael. He appears to know Danielle well and she was at his wedding.

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He said as much on Monday.

As was Michael

But they didn’t meet? That sounds odd. (they both said they’d never met in person)

Wells and Sarah married August 20, after BiP filming.

Ohhh, right, duh.

(I love Wells!)

LOL, I knew that but was trying to keep quiet. That was what I wanted to post during the Bachelorette but was concerned that it would be considered a spoiler.

The wedding was an actual event with the guest list reported in legitimate news outlets. And there were many guests from Bachelor Nation. Michael himself posted on Instagram. Just attending an event means nothing, so not really a spoiler.

I had nothing better to do last night so listened to Tino on Nick’s podcast. I’ve never listened to Nick’s podcast before and I thought it was interesting.

DIdn’t finish last night’s episode yet but who would have guessed that Logan would be the apparent catch of the season? Dude is making the rounds!

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He would be the last one I would be interested in.

Pizza Pete would have been my last choice. :face_vomiting:


Lol, there are plenty of “last” place guys! Less “winners” it seems. :slight_smile:

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So apparently making an innocuous comment about an item that appeared in mainstream media (Cosmo, not RS) considered a spoiler and results in a temp ban

And some people say College Confidential moderators are overzealous. :rofl:

I 100% realize that BIP is a dumb show. But I can’t get over how immature some of these contestants are!


Agree. I thought Genevieve should have trusted her instincts and left Aaron as she originally planned to do. Lots of arguing there already for such a new relationship.