Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I wonder what has happened in Aaron’s life that has brought him nearly to tears a couple of times. I think he and Genevieve are sometimes too similar - like both can be hot heads! Honestly, I was glad she didn’t leave, at this point might as well stick it out and enjoy everyone else’s drama and just try and avoid your own!

I’m frustrated with Eliza and the way she has treated Rodney. I think he handled things pretty well - he said he didn’t want her to go but she’s an adult, it’s her choice. Does he need to BEG? Some of these girls REALLY have a complex about wanting a guy to fall head over heels…but they don’t expect the same for themselves?? Who will she choose? Rodney or Justin?

I also am suckered into wondering what happens next week with all the crying. I don’t have spoilers but I wondered if that WAS Rodney leaving (because Eliza picks Justin) that has everyone crying…


Spoiler alert. The reason for all the crying is because Wells ran out of tequila.

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…I’m going to waste another 2 hours watching


That was quick!!!

No DWTS spoilers

Oh man! :frowning:

It’s been rumoured for a while. Erich hasn’t been in the audience for weeks.

Right - but confirmation is always the icing on the break up cake! :cupcake:

Love Gabby. Didn’t really love Erich. Apparently she didn’t either!


If there is any more drama and crying than this next time, my head might explode!


I just watched last nights show. What a mess.

In better news, Gabby is SMOKIN HOT :fire: on DWTS!! Perfect score last night! (I don’t watch but just follow her on Instagram)

And well deserved. She will a finalist for sure.


I hate this show! It’s so frustrating watching the train wrecks!

(gotta go, it’s starting soon)

Not tonight. Damn election :joy:

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Shoot! Ruined the joke! :rofl:

I have no history with this show since this is my first season watching, but I have to wonder what is the batting average of couples that actually stay a couple for a decent amount of time after they leave the beach?
I’m sure there are spoilers out there but at this point my thoughts are the best shots at staying together - forever or at least for a year :rofl:- are Brandon and Serene and Michael and whatever-her-name-is - though to be honest, I don’t guess that Michael and her stay together long term.

Everyone else I’m guessing fizzle out after they get the sand out of their shoes.


Someone likely has done the math, but it seems better than Bachelor / Bachelorette

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I literally could not think of Danielle’s name! The best I could come up with was Brittany - but knew it that wasn’t it!! :woman_shrugging:

I also believe chances are much better on BIP. Maybe it’s because there is more one-on-one time.

On the season finale they need to do a quick update at the end of “where are these couples now” - even a few months later I’d love to see who’s together, whose not.

A quick Google search will show who is together and who isn’t. If you haven’t watched the Bachelor/ette, you probably don’t know who most of the people are.

Regarding Monday’s episode, after what is the longest season ever, I never saw Rodney as the funny, life of the party, glue that held the group together, guy You would think that producers would want us invested in him so that we would also have an emotional response to the break up. Watching on Monday, I didn’t feel the love/devastation that those on the beach did. I’m guessing that they are grooming Eliza to be a future Bachelorette and couldn’t portray her as someone who broke a fan fav’s heart.

Serene? Serene is with Brandon…

I also have never gotten the Rodney love. Or attraction. I mean he seems like really nice guy but on screen anyway not a ton of substance. Maybe the cast are just really good fake cryers! I mean Kate was so upset - even though she has been one, IMO, to sort of treat her guys crappy!

Edited to say I have watched a few seasons of Bach/lorette - this is just my first BIP season. But also I know the franchise goes MANY years back.

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