Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Thanks for catching that. I changed it to Eliza.

Here is just one of the articles that lists couples who are still together.


How does this end?

I don’t mean spoilers of who is together at the end, but how does the game end? It seems a little like musical chairs but instead of taking away spots they just keep adding more spots. Some people leave on their own, others leave if they don’t get a rose. Can all the couples who are together now ‘win’? What do they win?

It just seems like at the end everyone will ‘win’ until they leave paradise and then they’ll either stay together or break up.

Lol, I sort of love this question but I don’t have any answers because this is the first time I’ve watched!

Some veterans can fill us in but my guess is, that if the show is lucky there may be at least one engagement on the beach - in this case I’m only guess, but maybe Brandon and Serene. Then any other couples either decide whether to keep seeing each other after the plane ride home OR one or both of the couple decide their relationship was just a beach fling and they both ride off into the sunset alone!

I’m guessing there are no prizes or anything. Probably social media immediately after is :fire: because any supposed couples leaving the beach together sound off how they are doing or how quick they broke up and more drama ensues!

I won’t spoiler anything but I saw something the other day that indicated that a current on the show together couple is NOT together and there was clearly drama and discourse on how the break up went down.

In the past, there’s a final rose ceremony, eliminating anyone who gets no rose and leaving us with equal numbers of men and women. The next day, there’s a final conversation where any proposals happen. The couples without a proposal then decide to leave as a couple or to leave separately. The end. Until they pop up on a future season. :grin:

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:fire: :100: :joy:

In theory, they win by finding love. In reality, depending on how long they last, they get paid several thousand dollars. That’s why you see people like Shanae and Flo hooking up with the twins. They may pay a flat rate, or a flat rate plus a per episode bonus, for those arriving at the end.

Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants don’t get paid. The leads are paid over $100K (Emily got $250K). The women get to keep the ring if they stay engaged for at least two years.

I’m just trying to figure out how many more weeks I have to give up time to watch this roller coaster!

Every time I think the season is ending more are added to the beach.

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Finale is November 22


That finale cannot come a day too soon! :smile:


This whole thing is off the rails. Some of these people don’t even seem too stable (Ency and Aaron come to mind) and I wonder how much screening of people is even done. I will be glad when this is over. I will amend my earlier statement to say the finale cannot come a SECOND too soon!

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LOL, I didn’t finish last night but was listening to my Bachelor podcast on the way into work regardless, don’t care about spoilers myself now, and sounds like things went off the rails for Andrew!!! The Genevieve/Aaron itching argument was SO not worthy of the time it got! - I guess it was shown just to show how ridiculous they (mostly him honestly) are!! No way are they together for even 5 minutes after leaving the beach!

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I think you mean Andrew? I don’t think Aaron is a very nice person- he may have a nice side sometimes but I really don’t like the way he talks to Genieveve. This was my first time watching BIP and it’s definitely my last.

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Yes, correct ANDREW. I corrected. :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was painful (not discomfort) to watch!

Wells, you are not alone :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Same for me.

I’ll have to limit my trash TV to the original Bachelor/Bachelorette. And of course Sisterwives.

This morning I was thinking about these “kids” on this “show” and it really drives home what I’ve been saying for many years now…(of course there are exceptions, so don’t flame me)…Most of us are “broken” and need time to grow up and figure out who we are and what we need in our lives, and how to maturely achieve them. I firmly believe we (collective) shouldn’t even be considering life-long mates until at least 30…have fun, date, break up, learn from those experiences. There could be a great spin off of this “show” with a very good therapist helping the contestants get their hearts and heads straight.


This show is pretty goofy but I do admit the conversation between Michael and Danielle got to me.

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I was sort of holding my breath. Was he going to walk away again!? I had a few tears in my eyes.

Genevieve and Aaron are like oil and water! They were never going to stick but I think he has some big insecurities

No way do I think Johnny is going to propose - he’s like “what kind of mess did I get myself into?!”


Okay, I admit I don’t pay attention while the show is on. Why are Michael and Danielle not on the last date like everyone else? Are they not part of the show?