Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I may watch but haven’t started it yet. I did like Gabby last season.

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I mean, really does anyone want to see men - no matter their body build - in a Speedo? Blech. I don’t know that Gabby and Rachel even really enjoyed that! Too physically close to all those private parts!!!

I will say last night I wanted Gabby and Nate to just walk off into the sunset. Love him so far. He’s adorable. A good age for her. An invested dad. I think Gabby was genuinely touched by his love for his daughter. I think they had chemistry. I also think he’s totally handsome!

I was surprised that Rachel had Jordan leave. I forget - when on a one-on-one date, are the only options give them a rose or send them home? Can they stay WITHOUT a rose? And in this case, what if Gabby was interested in him? Might they give the girls a chance a little later in the season to bring back a guy the other girl sent home???

Gabby may kiss weird but I still love the way she handles things. I def see her “nurse, take charge” attitude. Loved that they kicked Chris the guy obsessed with Fantasy Suites right out the door.

I liked Nate, too, but could see Jordan’s personality didn’t match his occupation, the reason Rachel chose him. It was interesting to learn there are planes that can reach altitudes for weightlessness. I never knew that.


Yup. Those are the only options. Unless the Bachelorette wants to rewrite the rules, which is common.

Based on past seasons, they rewrite the rules to give the lead what they want.


Supposedly, the plan was for a pool party but it was cancelled because of rain. This was their alternate activity.

My read is that Rachel chose Jordan because he had previously proclaimed he was there for her. I think she worries about choosing and then connecting with guys that are there for Gabby. Which guy kissed both of them last night? Was it Logan? I wonder if Gabby ever told Rachel that she kissed him as well.

I thought I remembered in the past where a lead told contestants that they didn’t feel comfortable giving a rose on the date and waited until the rose ceremony. It could have been on group dates or on 2 on 1 dates.

I thought the franchise ‘got it’ when people reacted to the naked volleyball contest. Men don’t really appreciate the activities which make them physically uncomfortable. If they would have reversed it and had women in itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikinis forced to strut in front of twobachelors people wouldn’t have been okay with it. And it’s just boring tv.

Did the guy who told Rachel he was only there for Gabby get a rose? He was one of the 5 chosen for the first mini group date.

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yikes. I’m watching it now. gabby is just a little prettier than rachel. In real life, it doesnt matter; but on this show i worry about this. . . like the guy to who told R that he was there for G; and then logan - who likes both girls, but R doesnt know about this. I can only imagine the drama coming up.

Well, I sure HOPE that is not what either side is basing their decisions on, “prettiest”! And of course even that is up for opinion.

They are both beautiful, interesting, smart women. They are different than each other in looks, size, shape, personality. Same as the variation in the guys!!


oh you are so right! hoping this all turns out good for each of them.

That’s interesting that you think Gabby is prettier than Rachel, because I would say the opposite. I think Rachel is more conventionally pretty, but Gabby has such a fun personality that I can see why the producers are making it seem like she is favored.

But as a friend once told me there’s a freak out there for everyone. I hope they find theirs.

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Gabby has more confidence than Rachel. Gabby is more out going and sarcastic which makes for good TV but that can grow old over time.

Gabby looks really different than she did last season. Did she have plastic surgery? I thought I remembered her having a more natural appearance last season. Her lips are the most obvious and she spoke about hair extensions and fake tans. Something else is different but I can’t put my finger on it.


Def the lips. I find them so distracting that I haven’t noticed anything else.

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Botox and lip fillers.

Allegedly. I need to say that to satisfy the lawyers. :grin:

That helps explain why her first kiss on night one was so incredibly awkward!

I think part of what made Gabby so “attractive/likeable” in Clayton’s season was her down to earth nature and style. She was not (at least early on) super dolled up.

When you are named to be a Bachelorette, for weekly tv purposes, I think there is probably some pressure - or desire) to step up your appearance whether that means extensions, a tan, exercise to firm up, botox, clothing you wouldn’t normally wear daily (LOL).

Rachel maybe had a few steps ahead this way. She sort of already had “the look”. (???) I do think she maybe lost a little weight or toned up this season.

Definitely true that Gabby has an awkward kiss! Maybe she hasn’t grown into her new lips or maybe she just kisses weird! I mean, how many people do we get to judge (except on tv or in our own relationship) how they look kissing?!

I think that’s the same for the contestants as well. Certainly a lot of fake tans.

The leads don’t pay for clothes, and the stylist(s) selects them

Right about the clothes - which is going to be a lot different than the clothes you packed in your suitcase when you were a contestant!

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Years ago a friend’s sister was a makeup artist/hair stylist for one of the seasons so some ladies- probably the leads or final contestants on Bachelor would have her professional services. That could be the difference here as well.
I watched the first few seasons many moons ago ( when I was closer to the contestants’ age ) and can’t help but think now, with social media, how things have changed. Not sure how much people are on the show for social media fame/chance to become an influencer, etc. vs way back when they truly thought they might find true love/a life partner. At least that’s what I thought of the show when it first started and now I’m truly jaded and think very few really think that will happen.
Having said all that, I stopped watching for many years but since the pandemic, have resumed- now I’m old enough to be their mom- ha! I think both ladies seem smart, fun and genuinely nice people. I wish them well but doubt either will find their life partner - just perhaps a fun boyfriend for a bit.


This was pretty rough tonight!

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Yeah, and ds2 called in the middle of the rose ceremony so I missed what Jesse said, but I guess it’s that if someone turns down a rose it’s confiscated and it’s not like you get to keep offering it up.